Dress Code & Electronics

Dear Families and Students,


I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone about the importance of dressing appropriately when in the school environment.


The staff at the JG Whittier will continue to enforce the school dress code. We feel it is important for students to make a positive impression in our community and dressing appropriately is important in that regard.


Students who do not come to school dressed appropriately will be asked to change clothes or, if that is not possible, a call will be sent home to get different clothes.


The JG Whittier Middle School dress code is designed to maximize personal expression and style, while maintaining a positive atmosphere that allows everyone to feel comfortable and do their best learning.


Below is a list of prohibited clothing. “Clothing” refers to any personal items, including jewelry/accessories, sweatshirts, backpacks, etc.


Prohibited clothing includes:

  • Items with drug or alcohol messages
  • Clothing with ripped holes
  • Sunglasses or hoods (not allowed to be worn inside)
  • Spikes, chains or collars
  • Bandanas
  • Headphones
  • Wearing pants below the waist (i.e. no “sagging”)
  • Items that promote racism or violence
  • Items or combinations of clothing that have gang-affiliated significance
  • Clothing considered provocative (i.e. short shorts, spaghetti straps, low cut shirts, exposed midriff)
  • Any item considered extremely offensive or disruptive to the learning process


Finally, a reminder about personal electronics:

  • All cell phones are turned off and put away during the school day.
  • Students are allowed to use a school phone in the office to call home in an emergency,  and parents can always contact their child by calling the main office at 978-374-5782.


We are eager to work together with our families to maintain the best learning environment possible for our students.


Thank you in advance for your support.


Brian Gill, Principal