First Day is Tuesday, August 29, 2017. Students may arrive no earlier than 8:05 am for 8:30 am start.
Home-room Rosters posted on front door Saturday, August 26, 2017.
Open House on August 28, 2017.
GRADE 5 ONLY: 4:00pm-5:00pm
4:00-4:15pm: Meet in the gym for presentation given by Mr. Gill and Mr. Betty
4:15-4:45pm: Classroom visits/Meet with Gr. 5 Team
4:45-5:00pm: Q & A with Mr. Gill and Mr. Betty in the Gym
There will be no individual conferences with teachers on this night
GRADES 6-8: 6:00pm-7:00pm
6:00-6:15pm: Meet in the gym for presentation given by Mr. Gill and Mr. Betty
6:15-6:45pm: Classroom visits/Meet with grade level teams
6:45-7:00pm: Q & A with Mr. Gill and Mr. Betty in the Gym
There will be no individual conferences with teachers on this night