No Shave November SUCCESS!

November is over, and the men can shave again…if they so choose. The majority of the male staff at JGW put their razor’s down for the month to raise awareness and money for the American Cancer Society. This year was our 4th year doing so, but the first that we involved the students. We held a “penny war” where students got to bring in loose change to donate into a jar with one of the staff members pictures on it. The winning staff member had to do something embarrassing. Below you will find a before and after picture of the staff who participated along with, Mr. Lewis, who won the competition and certainly was a good sport when it came to doing something embarrassing.

Most importantly, with the help of the student body, we managed to raise the most money that we ever have during this fundraiser. This year we were able to raise $645! Now after 4 years of this event, we have donated a total of $1,735 to the American Cancer Society!