I hope that your students were able to settle back into remote learning this week after April Vacation. I have a lot of information to share with you and so does our staff. I hope that everyone was able to see the amazing video that Ms. Reynolds put together of staff. If not, I am going to attempt to post it here and hope that it works!
Report Cards: Report cards were posted on Wednesday, April 29, 2020. These report cards reflect school work your student completed from mid-December, 2019 to March 11, 2020. Please visit the Parent/student portal to view your child’s report card/progress report online if you have not already done so.
The Parent/Student Portal is a website where you can access specific information for your child.
Step 1 – Log In (via HPS LaunchPad > Parent/Student Portal (near bottom)
Step 2 – Access Information (from top menu)
Click here for more instructions on viewing report cards online:
For students, your username/password is the same as your regular HPS account.
For parents/guardians, all should have received a welcome email (if you have not previously logged in). If not, information on how to confirm your contact information with your child(ren)’s school and connect with Portal Support can be found here.
Retrieving Student Belongings: We continue to work out a plan to make sure that all students at JGW will have the opportunity to retrieve all of their personal belongings from the school. We do not have a specific date as of yet, but all student belongings will be placed in a labeled paper bag and we will schedule a day (much like how we did chromebook distribution) for families to come and pick up their student’s belongings. That date has yet to be set and we appreciate your continued patience. I will be in touch with all families when more details become available.
Yearbooks: Our yearbooks are ready! Please see the link below to view the online order form. You can place an order for your own yearbook by May 15th. The price for the yearbook is $15. When yearbook orders are received and the yearbooks are shipped, we will set up a day to distribute the yearbooks to students. Please stay tuned!
Summer School: The Haverhill Public Schools will be holding summer school this year. It has yet to be determined exactly what that looks like (whether it will be in person, remote learning, or some hybrid of the two), so please stay tuned for that.
ATTENTION GRADE 8 STUDENTS – If your grade 8 student has failed more than 1 trimester of ELA or Math they will be required to attend summer school in order to move on to HHS. If your student has failed 1 trimester of ELA or Math, it is imperative that they complete all remote learning assignments this trimester to avoid the potential of being required to attend summer school. This is the second year that the district has implemented mandatory summer school for 8th graders who fail more than 1 trimester of ELA or Math. Make sure to get your work done to the best of your ability!
Grade Level Remote Learning Schedules: Please see the attached schedules for each grade to utilize as a guide as to when your students should be working on each particular subject. We recognize that each family is different and that your student may not always be able to follow this schedule exactly as it is written, and that is understandable. The important thing is that the school work get completed and turned in when it is most convenient for you and your family, taking into account your individual circumstances and prioritizing safety and well-being first. As always, if you have specific questions about any assignments, or how to access those assignments, please reach out to the specific teachers with your questions. I am also available via email at tbetty@haverhill-ps.org if you or your students have specific questions and would like to set up a phone call or virtual meeting with me.
We need your help! All year long, the staff at JGW has been working hard to help students learn and grow. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, staff worked even harder to help students and their families navigate this difficult and unprecedented time. Please help us in showing the love for ALL school staff by participating in one or more virtual activities listed on the attached notice for Teacher Appreciation Week.. We hope you’ll help us show appreciation for the amazing staff at JGW!
Mr. Marinella: Hello everyone, please continue to check Google and your emails for updates. History is working on a Tuesday/Thursday schedule, and English is Monday/Wednesday/Friday. I am encouraging all students to be reading everyday and Orange English will be posting their notes on those days. Please remember to attach or share your work with me. Assignments are generally due on the Friday of that week, but if any more times is needed or any questions arise please just ask via email or comments.! Take a well deserved break next week, you have all been working hard and I am extremely proud of all of you!
Ms. MacDonald: A huge shout out to all the 5th grade students for jumping back into remote learning after a week off. The participation is fantastic. The 5th grade kids are working so hard! For weekly shout outs, be sure to watch my weekly introduction videos for science and math (purple group only).
For math: Purple group students will continue to work on review of this year’s topics with your weekly discussion, DICE Problem, and review sheet. Don’t forget to go on Xtra math. The kids are really persevering through their math work and it shows.
For science: I am loving all of the sunflower plant updates I have received from the kids! I would love it if you could email me pictures of the kids’ plants that we could put on our Facebook page. I also want to encourage parents and families to get involved with some of the hands-on investigations they have. They are usually no stress and it gives you a little time away from the computers! If any student was unable to do our shadow investigation due to weather, I have extended the due date to Friday, May 8th. Please keep up the hard work!
Ms. Sanguedolce: Hello Grade 5! It is great to see so many of you working on your math assignments at home. There will be a Math Super Star award each week for students that complete all of their math assignments. Stay tuned for a list of winners on the Stream. Please remember that Office Hours are everyday from 11:00-12:00. Stop in to say hello, ask questions, or get help with your math work.
Ms. Simes: I want to give a “BIG SHOUT OUT” to the following students who completed all of their Week 2 ELA assignments and are my “ELA Superstars of the Week”: Eve F., Autumn G., Saniyah M., Dale P., Angelina R., Sophia B., William C., Dillan D., Kayleigh D., Cameron F., Shannon G., Cash M., Jude O., Mason P., Jayden Q., Jonathan R., Colby S., Brodie M., Christopher M., Baylee P., Analia R., Yilliannis R., Zenia R., Jeremy S., Nyla S., and Enmanuel V. We will continue with our Google Meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, the link is located on the front page of your student’s classroom page. Students will be working within their weekly folder of, “Week of 5/4-5/8.” They will continue reading a “news article a week” within the myON app and will also, create a Cinquain poem, as we wind down our work within our Poetry Unit. I additionally, hold office hours everyday from 11:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m. for questions or assistance with assignments, As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at michele.simes@haverhill-ps.org. Have a great weekend.
Ms. Lees: Miss Lees and her fifth grade reading groups will continue to the next chapter in “Chocolate Fever”, create a cinquain poem with Mrs.Simes in purple group and explore more reading on myON. Students should regularly be logging onto Lexia if it is assigned to them. Orange and Purple small group Google Meets and lessons continue on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for both Math and ELA. Students are encouraged to join all of these as well as to check in regularly with Ms. MacDonald, Mrs. Sanguedolce, and Mrs. Simes during Conference Hours. Parents are encouraged to set up weekly phone appointments for check-ins and appointments already set up will continue. Help is available by email (alees@haverhill-ps.org) and directly in Google Classroom for questions about ELA, Math, and Social Studies to support all assignments. Students will have a weekly outline of work to be completed on the Google Classroom Classwork Page.
Grade 6 News:
Ms. Delong: I am so happy with the quality of work that I have been receiving in both classes. Next week we are concluding our introduction to cells and will be moving on to looking at the organelles that make up the cell. We have science on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday next week. In Social Studies, we are continuing to research our ancient civilizations and create our Google Slides presentations. Those projects are due Friday, May 15th so please try to keep up with the assigned questions. We have Social Studies class on Tuesday and Thursday. I will be holding Office Hours via Google Meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12-1pm to answer any questions/help with assignments. Please come check in with me. I will post the links to the meets on classroom the day of the meet. Hope you are all doing well!
Ms. Aylward: Students spent this week reading about the Islamic holiday of Ramadan which started on April 23rd. They also practiced using sensory imagery to write beautiful colorful poems on (virtual) paint chips. Last, but not least, the students continued their mythological journey through Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.
Mr. Taylor:
ELA- Classes will continue their vocabulary work and comprehension questions geared toward “The Giver” story we are reading.
SS- Classes have now moved onto researching their next ancient civilization using the same questions and different cultures.
Ms. Rubera: I hope you are all well and staying safe! We have completed our third week of remote learning! During our first two weeks, Google Meets were held to check in with students, answer questions, and become acclimated and familiar with our new routines for learning. This week, our Google Meets have shifted to focusing on math and science instruction. While attending the meets, students will have the opportunity to work collaboratively to learn the content. I understand that students may not be able to attend due to scheduling conflicts. If it is possible and it works for your family, it would be great if they could attend because I am there to help and support them. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you!
Ms. Sargent: I want to thank all of you who are working so hard to keep up with your Math work. Keep it up!! You are doing a great job and I am very proud of you all. Our Google Meet format is changing a little bit this week. If you are struggling with the work or have a question that you can’t explain in an email then I would ask that you come onto the Google Meet from 9-9:30. During this time I will be conducting a math lesson which involves going over the work that you have been doing. If you do not have any questions and are not having a problem with the assignments and would like to pop on to say “Hi”, I would ask that you do that between 9:30 -10:00. I miss you all and it is nice to get to see your face, say a quick hi and to see how you are doing. A reminder that my email is jsargent@haverhill-ps.org.
Ms. Guisti: Mrs. Guisti has been co-teaching in math google meet classes and then having small group extra help math google meet sessions. She has been working with small group ELA, reading the novel Holes and using Read Live. Ms. Blanchette has been holding small group meets for Math and for ELA while working on the novel The Giver. Mrs. Cronin has been supporting students in Ms. Aylward’s ELA google meets and in math. Mrs. Guisti, Mrs. Cronin and Ms. Blanchette have been reaching out to students daily to see if anyone needs support. Please feel free to schedule a one to one google meet at flexible times or email to ask questions on assignments. Thank you grade six students for all of your hard work this week. Hope to see all my students on google meets next week! Nancy.guisti@haverhill-ps.org
Grade 7 News:
Ms. Marciano: During Week 3, students started the novel “Freak the Mighty”. Moving into Week 4, students will complete work on character traits, point of view, summarizing, and figurative language. Students will work on their own Google Slides document to record their answers. The plan moving forward is to read five chapters on “A” weeks and then work on skill-based practice during “B” weeks.
Ms. DiGloria: For 7th grade Social Studies, there were three assignments this week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), but Friday’s was a fun activity with no grade. I encourage families to get in touch if they have any questions for the work assigned. Next week, there will be two assignments posted to Google Classroom – Tuesday and Thursday. I am available via email Monday through Friday if there are any issues or questions: krista.digloria@haverhill-ps.org.
Ms. MacKinnon: Over the next few weeks we will be working on kinetic and potential energy. I am going to give a presentation for each class on both concepts next week during science time. Please check your child’s schedule as to when they will have a google meet and I will present. Next week is a B week so they have science Monday, Wednesday Friday, from 10-11. I will do my presentations during the class time and during our office hours. I am also looking into any activities the kids can do and video that will be cheap and easy stuff around the house. Stay tuned for that. Hope everyone is staying safe. Thank you.
Ms. Trombly: We are still moving ahead with our work. all work is posted on Google classroom. Please send me your child’s work through email or the REMIND APP. taking a picture allows me to check their work. I am sending out videos for students who are having trouble with assignments or even individual problems. Please have them reach out to me though-out the week to get help. All work is due on Fridays.
Ms. Berthiaume: We are going to be working on the Oral Tradition unit, exploring myths, legends, and lore. We will continue to utilize myOn and Newsela. If you have completed assignments, but haven’t submitted them, don’t delay. I will be issuing some incentives for work completion (you’ll find out!). Do not hesitate to ask for assistance at any time. Thank you for your dedication and hard work! I’m really proud of you!
Ms. Senior: Our first week after vacation was fruitful with students getting back into the swing. Helping students review Math concepts (even ‘singing’ “The Integer Song” to one) plus ELA whole-class novel reading were instrumental in assisting a number of students to reach success. Google Meets internet virtual classroom provided a chance to welcome students back, and for some, to showcase their pets during our sessions!
Ms. Bilmazes: It’s been great seeing many of you on the weekly google meets. Please continue to tune in, as it’s a great way to touch base with all your teachers, especially if you have questions. I have been making phone calls to parents regarding missing work and will continue to do so. Reach out via email if you have any questions. There is a combined Math / ELA project due this week. Stay well and keep up with your studies!
Grade 8 News:
Mr. Yanoff: Our accelerated 8th-grade math class has made significant progress. We meet a minimum of three times a week as a class and individually needed. We are even doing an online test this week and beginning the next to the last chapter of our book which we WILL finish. An awesome group of students! They are looking to the algebra final.
Mr. Lewis: I hope we all had a safe and relaxing vacation. In ELA class, we have begun reading S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders and students should have read through chapter 2. Thus far, there have been exercises with vocabulary, guided reading questions, and journals exploring some of the significant relationships and conflicts within the book. Moving forward, we will try to change up the activities and offer students some more creative exercises during this time. Stay Safe!
Mr. Harris:
Blue and Purple Math – students should be checking the google classroom daily for assignments. This week, students have the option between two assignments each day. One is a review of material we did while together in the building, and the other is enrichment material that we would be studying together and is new information. Both options will typically have a short video attached to give some guidance, followed by questions to be answered. I may still assign things to the iReady platform, but students absolutely need to be going onto google classroom to be doing the assignments there. Google meets are held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 12-1 each week, with a link posted in the google classroom to access.
Yellow and Orange Civics – students are continuing to look at the structure of our government, and learn how the different branches work together. Our current focus is on the Legislative branch. Students should be reading from the McGraw-Hill website (accessed through the HPS Launchpad and classlink), and answering the questions posted to google classroom. Google meets are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-1 each week, with a link posted in the google classroom to access.
Ms. Deblasis: Lesson 11 Assessment due on Friday 5/1. Next weeks lesson 12: Understand the Slope-Intercept Equation for a Line. Google Meet/Office Hours every Monday 12-1, Wednesday 12-2, and Friday 12-1. If you have any questions, please contact me via email or through Google Classroom.
Ms. Sullivan: All 8th grade science assignments will be posted on google classroom. I have google meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-12 and office hours Tuesday from 1-2. I hold them to either answer questions or to do the assignment together. Students should be checking their google classrooms for daily updates.
For the blue group the civics assignments will be posted on google classroom. I have google meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-1 and office hours Tuesday from 1-2. I hold them to either answer questions or to do the assignment together. Students should be checking their google classrooms for daily updates.
New assignments have been posted in icivics. I have made the attempt to call all my students to give them the class code, password and to ensure everyone has access to the program. If anyone experiences any difficulties please send me an email and I will call to help solve the problem. Invitations to Google meets can be found in our Google classroom and are held on Thursdays.
ELA Blue & Yellow
New assignments have been posted in our Google classroom. If you are experiencing any difficulties accessing these assignment, please send me an email so I call and we can solve the problem. Invitations to Google meets can be found in our Google classroom and are held on Wednesdays.
Ms. Brown: Hello grade 8 students! I’m glad to see some new faces in your Google Meets, so please keep that up. Please remember that everything is doable and manageable. Please continue to regularly check in, with your teachers, or a trusted staff member. I have so enjoyed some of the laughs that I have been able to have with some of you this week, and I truly thank you for some of the computer technology “tricks”, that you have patiently and kindly shared with me. Be well, and have a fantastic upcoming week.
Ms. Kaiser: Greetings JGW students and families! I enjoyed seeing so many students participating in remote learning this week. Students remain engaged by checking in with their teachers in GoogleMeets and communicating via Google Classroom. They are certainly gaining a sense of responsibility, and demonstrating a level of autonomy when they successfully access assigned materials, and submit finished work. In the process, students are developing communication and time management skills that will surely benefit them in high school. Grade 8 students, be sure to reach out for assistance, as needed, to your teachers and support staff, as we work to maintain the lines of communication. Keep up the good work! See you next week!
Specialist News:
Physical Education (Mr. Demarais): I will continue to send out weekly exercise routines as well as weekly exercise challenges. I love hearing about how the workouts are going but I would really like to hear from more students! Parents please encourage your children to get up and move! I know they are busy with their classwork but physical activity is so important when it comes to maintaining a health lifestyle. It only takes a minute to send me a quick post to let me know what they are doing to stay active.
Health (Ms. Reynolds): For the next few weeks, we will be reviewing the body systems with the help of some videos, games and articles. I am continuing to accept older assignments and pictures of students wearing their masks.
Art (Ms. Boulger): All assignments for grades 5-8 art classes are posted in Google Classroom. There is no need to buy any art supplies, all art assignments will focus around only using recycled materials that can be found at home.
Music (Mr. Gariepy):
——> Mr. G’s YouTube Schedule <——
Announcements and new videos below: TALENT SHOW WILL CONTINUE
Check out this performance of the entire school singing “Circles” by Post Malone at last year’s 2019 Winter Concert!
This year’s talent show WILL CONTINUE!! I plan on hosting this year’s talent show on my website, whittiermiddlemusic.webs.com, on Monday, June 1st @ 5:00pm. I would like to invite ANY AND ALL STUDENTS INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING to email Mr. G ASAP.You will record your performance and upload it to the 2020 Talent Show Google Classroom, which has already been created. Videos are due by Tuesday, May 26th but I will accept late submissions by 2 – 3 days!! I will edit all of the performances together into a video and then host the event live at 5pm on Monday, June 1st. The class code to join this class is uv3mddb but your child must be signed into their HPS Account to gain access. To respond to the event on Facebook, click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/718726272000304/
Support Staff News:
Middle School Support Program (MSSP): Social groups all began this week. Please contact Mr. Diffin with any questions.
Student Support Center (SSC): The SSC misses you! The updates are on the SSC Google Classroom every day. You will find assignments, links to google meets groups, and can converse with Ms Greenwood or Ms Christine through email. This week we want you to submit a video that has been helpful to you during this time. It can be a song, an inspirational story, or a short video. We will choose the winner and post it on the main page. We hope you are all safe and sound and look forward to “virtually” seeing your beautiful faces.
School Adjustment Counselor (Ms. Midolo): Please encourage your child to access my google classroom on a daily basis, as I post helpful tips and information consistently. Google classroom is where your child will also find the link and times to “google meets” where weekly social groups are being held. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me.
My office hours are M-F, 2:00-3:00 pm.
Stay safe and be well!
School Guidance (Ms. Vlahos):
Students & families Grades 5-8:
I continue to be available to connect with and support all students and families by email (jvlahos@haverhill-ps.org), please do not hesitate to reach out. My office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 930-11am.
8th Grade Specific Information:
Thank you to those students who have completed the course selections google form. For any 8th Grade student that has yet to complete it, please do so ASAP – no later than Monday, May 4th – thank you!
EACH 8th grade student needs to complete the google form (link below – English and Spanish available) regarding high school plans & course selections. The data from the google form will confirm high school plans as so that student records are processed appropriately and information is accurate. If a student is unsure about their plans, they should identify on the form that they are going to Haverhill High and choose elective courses accordingly until other plans are secured.
Finally, I encourage all 8th Grade students to join my Google Classroom to receive 8th grade specific updates and messages from me!
The class code is: bmsppfo.
Stay healthy and be well.
Student Support Coordinator (Mr. Newall): I am here to support our families and can be reached any day of the week to help in any way possible. Email me with any questions or concerns.
Literacy Coaching (Ms. Forrest):
Hello Families! I am your Reading Coach and Interventionist at JG Whittier. I would love to hear about what your children have been reading during quarantine and invite them to write a book review on some of their favorite books. Please have them fill out this Google doc, Book Review, and share it with me on Google Drive.
In addition, if you have an avid reader at home who might be interested in participating in a book club, please let me know!
Speech (Ms. O): This week in Speech, we listened to and read some cool stories about animals, answered all kinds of questions, practiced putting together longer and more complex sentences, and practiced our speech sounds! It was great to see many students participating in our Google Meets and completing assignments. Let’s keep it up!!! Don’t forget, our Meets are optional, but are great opportunities to get help with homework, ask any questions, see some of your classmates, and say hi to your Speech teacher! I hope to see more of your smiling faces next week. And keep on trying those assignments! Don’t get overwhelmed, you don’t have to complete everything, just do what you can and do your best!!! As always, if parents or students have any questions about Google Classroom, our Google Meets, homework assignments, or accessing websites, don’t hesitate to reach out! Keep up the good work, Speech friends, and hope to see you soon!!