Home Visits and Other Summer Updates

Hello J.G. Whittier Families, 

I hope that this email finds you all well and continuing to enjoy your summer as much as possible, while remaining safe! 

I am writing to you all today with a couple of quick updates. I have had the opportunity to start conducting some home visits this week which I feel have gone very well. I appreciate the 6 students and families that I have visited thus far allowing me to meet with them outside while I am wearing a mask and taking the necessary safety precautions. I have 15 scheduled visits over the next couple of weeks as well, but there is room to conduct more if you are interested. 

I would like to encourage as many of you that are willing to volunteer to have a home visit. This allows us the time to dedicate to you and your student to answer any questions that you might have, address concerns, and really begin to build that positive relationship and partnership between the school and home that is integral to the success of all students. I know that many of you are quite familiar with this process because I have done visits with you in the past. Please do not hesitate to reach out again. Just because I have done a visit with you before, does not mean that I cannot do it again. 

As previously mentioned, this summer we are taking necessary safety precautions and asking that if you are interested in a home visit that we please meet outside, and that I will be wearing a mask as well as any staff member that comes out with me. Our visits usually last between 20-30 minutes and we will do our best to schedule them at a time that is most convenient for you! 

Please do not hesitate to reach out by responding to this email if this is something that you are interested in. I know that you all probably have a million questions, and we want to be able to answer them all. 

In other news, this coming week is the final one for the Summer Remote Learning Academy. The final lessons will be given this coming week (week 5: 8/10-8/14). Please click the link below for further information:


Please stay tuned also for an announcement and introduction to the new Assistant Principal here at J.G. Whittier. I will send information about that sometime early next week. 

Finally, please know that as more information becomes available in regard to our upcoming school year and everything that it entails, that I will be in touch with all of you to keep you informed. Regardless of what our 2020/2021 school year looks like, please understand that our number one priority remains the safety of all students and staff, and also making sure that your student receives the education that they deserve. 

I look forward to hopefully meeting with as many of you as possible over the next several weeks to answer questions and begin building or continuing to build upon our partnership. Until then, take care and remain safe. 

Tim Betty
