Principal’s Weekly Update (11/9-11/13)


  • There will be NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, November 11th. Happy Veteran’s Day!
  • PICTURE DAY: COHORT A: Tuesday, November 10, 2020

REMOTE LEARNING ACADEMY: Tuesday, November 10th  between 3:00-4:00pm

Forms were sent home, but you can order on-line with the attached link.

This link and flyer gives you direct access for ordering pictures.

Access code: 1001092

  • GREEN SHEETS & HEALTH FORMS: We are still looking to collect green sheets and health forms that were sent home for all hybrid students. Families, can you please make sure that you have those filled out and sent back to school with your student as soon as possible.


MOVEMBER: For those that do not know, for the past 6 or 7 years JGW has been participating in “No Shave November” to raise awareness and money for cancer research (focus on male cancers).

We are switching it up this year! Instead of No Shave November, we are going for” Movember” and we are going to see who can grow the best mustache! Wednesdays are remote for all, and I think those are days that we are not wearing our masks in google meets and students can track the progress of our mustaches. Each Wednesday for those that are participating, they will take a “selfie” and send it to me so that I can post the progress on our website. 

We will have students vote for the teacher that has the best mustache, and at the end still have the winner do something embarrassing. 

Here is the important catch…Why should the JGW staff have all the fun?!?! We are extending this offer out to our JGW community, so if there are any family members out there that want to get in on the team/community building fun, we challenge you to grow out a mustache for the month!! You can be as creative as you want, and we are also open to the women out there getting some fake mustaches to participate!

We are asking that those who want to participate, also email me a “selfie” each Wednesday that can be posted and voted upon by our students ( Whoever is able to grow the best mustache as voted upon by the students of JGW will win a prize (to be determined)

Let’s have some fun!!

SPIRIT WEEK: The week of November 16th. Please see the flyer below and get ready!

NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY (NJHS): NJHS will be starting a virtual fundraiser for meadow farms next Friday November 13th and lasting through December 1st.  It will be 100% online and links will be going out to everyone next Friday.  This is a great place to get wrapping paper and all holiday goodies, while helping out JGW! 

JGW CHORUS CLUB: We have begun to meet for Chorus every Wednesday after school from 3:00pm to 3:45pm on my Google Classroom. If your child is interested in joining Chorus please email me at so I can add them to the Google Classroom.

SCHOOL NEWS: School News will be resuming in a couple of weeks!! If your child is interested in joining the School News Club please email me separately at This is a club that is a part of Discovery Club, which meets after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays until 4:45pm.


Our next PTO meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 12/9 from 6:00-7:30pm.

Please click the link to be connected to the most recent PTO news:  JGW PTO November 4, 2020 Meeting Minutes

COOKIE FUNDRAISER-Make sure to get those orders in! This fundraiser earned our school over $10,000 last year and also earned our students some really great prizes! This fundraiser will end Tuesday Nov. 24th. All sales and payments will go through the website so no money or order sheets will come into the school. Quick & Easy! The cookies will be delivered in mid-December. See the flyers below for more information: Please note that the Student Code is: S7KW7A


Please click on the link in order to be connected to some community resources which may prove helpful during the upcoming holiday season:



Mrs. Sanguedolce: In math, we have been adding and subtracting decimals using mental math, estimation, grids, and the standard algorithm. In social studies, we continue to study life of the colonists as they expanded their lands and trade in the new world. We have announced our new incentive program for grade 5. Students need to bring a fully charged computer to school. If it lasts all day without needing a charge, then each student gets a sticker. There will be prizes for collecting a designated number of stickers. Ask your student about it!

Ms. Delong: Grade 5 Science (Hybrid): We will be completing our plant lab and will be working on our scientific writing process “Claim-Evidence-Reasoning” by looking at our lab evidence. Students will start to prepare for their test on plants. More information about test dates will be sent to parents as it gets closer.

Science All-Stars: Kaleb St. Germaine (Yellow), Teaghen MacKinnon (Red), Chloe Mahady (Orange)

Social Studies (Yellow Group): After having some awesome discussions about the election, we must turn our attention back to the European explorers. Students will be taking a test on Chapter 2 this upcoming week. We will be starting Chapter 3 which discusses the colonies in North America. We are building up to a revolution!

Social Studies All-Star: Myra DiCristofano  

Mrs. LaCoste: In fifth grade ELA we’re focusing on adding specific details into our writing to really “grab” the reader’s attention.  On way to do this is to activate our five senses and describe using vivid language.  We’re about halfway through our novel, How to Steal a Dog.  Students have recently worked to analyze characters and identify their personality traits.  In social studies, we’ll begin studying life of the colonists as they expanded their lands and trade in the new world. 

     We have announced our new incentive program for grade 5. Students need to bring a fully charged computer to school. If it lasts all day without needing a charge, then each student gets a sticker. There will be prizes for collecting a designated number of stickers. Ask your student about it!

Ms. Lees: Ms. Kelly and Ms. Lees are with Orange and Red groups reading “How to Steal a Dog”, responding to text questions, and identifying story elements and writing personal narratives. Those students who have been given LexiaCore5 log-in with instructions how to use should be working at least 45 minutes a week in the program. In Math – Topic 2; adding and subtracting decimals is going well. Please remember that Ms. Lees posts on Stream Pages and announces in our subject classroom meets when she and Ms. Kelly are in a google classroom to help with assignments and clarify lessons on remote Wednesdays. Please join! Before and after school time is available too. We have a day off for Veterans’ Day coming up. Please share with your teachers what you may be able to do to honor a Veteran next week.


Mrs. Hamel: Science: Our scientists are wrapping up their work on Solutions and Mixtures. We used Halloween Candy Bags to represent our Mixtures and looked at the many ways in which we could make Solutions.

We will be moving into our next Scope- Density and other Physical Properties. We will begin our new section with some Sink or Float experiments and asking our essential question: “What are some ways in which you can describe different materials?”

Social Studies: We are wrapping up our lesson on “Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras” in which we specifically concentrated on The Agricultural Revolution and how it changed the world. We will be moving into our first path on our Ancient Civilization tour and stopping by Southeast Asia. We will be asking the essential question: “How does geography influence the way people live?”

Mr. Taylor: Please make sure your students are doing 45 mins of I-Ready work per week! This week only 30 due to the short week. This counts as a classwork grade. 

Ms. Sargent: For math this week we will continue to work on dividing fractions which is as easy as pie….. flip the second fraction then multiply!!!! We will continue to divide fractions by fractions, fractions by whole numbers and mixed numbers by fractions.  Remember to keep practicing your multiplication facts! 

Mrs. Guisti: It was a very short week for us but Mrs. Guisti and Mrs. Cronin’s students have been working hard.  We have been discussing the novel Ghost and working on division of fractions.  Students who have been coming to our online support group have been getting a lot of work done. We encourage everyone to come please but know how hard every student is working independently as well. Always remember to do 45 minutes of iReady for each: Math and Reading per week.  After that students have access to their online reading programs such as Lexia.  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  


Mrs. Berthiaume: In ELA, we will be reading “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury, so get ready, sci-fi fans!  In Social Studies, we shall continue our study of India.  Check out your student’s National Geographic Kids magazine cover (we created them on Google Drawing)– everyone did a fabulous job!

Mrs. Trombly: Mrs. Trombly‘s math class will be finishing up midway point of topic 2. We will be testing at the end of next week for the full topic 2.  

Science classes are having a quiz tomorrow on ecosystems in competition. Starting our next topic relationships and ecosystems next week. 

Mr. Yanoff: Time to get busy as we get closer to the end of the first trimester. The yellow and red teams are going forward and backwards at the same time. We are working on ratios and proportions, as we review prior knowledge of multiplication and division. I encourage students to work on I-Ready as a means of improving their understanding of mathematical theories. Remember our Veterans!

Mrs. MacKinnon: Hello 7thgrade families: Math we are working on topic 1.6 and 1.7 multiplying and dividing rational numbers.  Kids remember your RULES for these concepts.  

Science we will begin relationships in ecosystems and talk about how organisms work either with or against each other to benefit one another.

I would also like to thank all Veterans for their service and sacrifices they have made in keeping this country safe. I hope everyone has a Happy Veterans Day!

Ms. DiGloria: In Week 9, students in Blue and Green Social Studies will be learning about Ancient Indian religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism. We will complete some reading together, and then students will be comparing these two important religions in a short writing response. In English, we are finally moving on from Monsters. Before we start our next unit, students will be working on a practice MCAS to work on nonfiction and informational text reading skills. Remember that late work is still accepted, and students are encouraged to turn in anything that they missed in previous weeks. As always, please email me with any questions or concerns. 

Ms. Bilmazes: My google classroom link for additional help on Wednesdays is posted. Look for “Ms. Bilmazes Academic Support”, Please log on at 11:30. Students have been working diligently to complete missing work. Please continue to do so. They are either completing “Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” or beginning “All Summer in a Day” in ELA. Students will continue to receive support in the classroom from myself and/or Ms. Credit.  Have a wonderful weekend. 


Mr. Lewis: In ELA, students worked on Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart for a short Halloween project. We focused on whether the narrator is actually insane and how Poe establishes mood, or feeling, in the story.

In Civics, we continue to learn about civic responsibility and duty, we a focus on the current election.

Ms. Deblasis: Math: This week students will be learning how to solve equations using square roots and cube roots. 

Science: This week students will be working on ocean currents. 

Mr. Blaustein: Green & Blue ELA

We have reached the halfway point in Fowers for Algernon. We have been focusing out inquiries on irony and foreshadowing as well as foreshadowing. We will continue our reading and exploration of these concepts as well as working with inferences. We have designated Wednesday’s for Iready intervention lessons.

Green & Blue Civics

In the coming week we will take a quiz on Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Becoming A Citizen. We will also read and analyze the landmark Supreme Court case Dred Scott v Sanford.

Ms. Sullivan: Math: This week students will be learning how to solve equations using square roots and cube roots. 

Science: This week students will be working on ocean currents. 

Ms. Senior: November is upon us in Grade 8, which means stories authored by Edgar Allen Poe abound in the ELA classroom during this dank, dark, time of year. Flowers For Algernon is still in the mix as well. Mathematics this week involves combining measurement, algebraic equation construction and solving from word problems: that’s a mouthful to digest!  Onward all.


Physical Education: (Mr. Demarais): Our in-person groups are working on floor hockey skills and playing hockey style games. We have also been playing capture the flag outside.  My remote students should be working on the fitness workouts I’ve been posting as well as trying the challenges that I have been posting.

Every student should have a workout calendar that they are filling out daily.  This is an easy way to track your workouts and to keep you motivated!  On the days that you do not workout you should put an X for that day.  Too many X’s motivates me to get a workout in.

Welcome to my new remote classes 7 and 8 purple and orange!  I will be sending you more information next week detailing my class expectations.

Art (Ms. Boulger): All art classes are meeting synchronously (both online and in person) therefore if your child is at home please encourage and remind them to attend Google Meets as well as have art materials ready. We hold synchronous classes during their scheduled art classes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Wednesdays they will have an A-Synchronous lesson to work on.

Health (Mrs. Reynolds): Grade 5 – We will be finishing up our safety unit with emergencies and calling 911 information

Grade 6 – We will conclude the unit on Peer Pressure with a class activity

Grade 7 – We will learn the dangers of Vaping

Grade 8 – We will continue on with our Substance Abuse Unit, discussing pain killers and over the counter medications.


Music (Mr. Gariepy): Hi everyone!! I hope you’ve had a great week. In Music class, we’re doing lots of different fun and exciting things. In Grade 7, we just finished watching The Sound of Music. On Monday, we will do a Google Slides project on the movie. Grade 8 is in the middle of presenting their Hamilton projects, as they finished watching the movie a couple weeks ago. Grade 6 is currently working on writing a short story that they are going to turn into a play script next week, and Grade 5 is watching and analyzing the movie-musical Aladdin. I hope you all have a great weekend!!



Ms. MacDonald: In science we have officially begun our seed experiment! If you were able to pick up materials from Whittier, your student should have added water to their seed bag and hung it in a window! Be on the look out for germination to start happening soon! We’re asking the question, “how do plants keep growing bigger?” 

In social studies, we’re exploring how Spanish exploration changed the lives of Native Americans forever. Be sure to ask your kiddo how they feel about the Spanish arriving in America. How did the lives of Natives change? Was it a positive outcome for natives or a negative outcome? 

Ms. Duquette: Students have been working at making sure they get their required minutes in for their individualized iReady reading path.  We have been using the beginning of class to monitor this.  We have also been studying characters in the novel, The One and Only Ivan.  Students completed a character study project this week and we will be presenting them in our meets next week so that they have the opportunity to share their work.  I think they are excited about this.  We will continue our grammar unit of study on nouns throughout next week as we prepare to wrap it up with an assessment.  We will also continue to work towards our completion of reading the novel, The One and Only Ivan.  I remind students every day to bring their best.  This means that they show up on time and are prepared to participate in our meets.

Ms. Spadaro: Last week, students multiplied by one-digit and two-digit factors using the standard algorithm. Students used estimation to ensure that their products were reasonable. This week, students reviewed Topic 3 and completed the Topic 3 Assessment. Students started using their math notebooks and practiced transferring each problem from their Chromebook onto paper to solve. Next week, students will begin Topic 4, which is multiplying decimals. Students should be on time for their meet and complete work when it is assigned. 


Ms. Consolazio: In social studies class, the students began chapter 2 lesson 1 and are learning about Geography, landscapes, absolute location, longitude, and latitude.  Next week we will finish lesson one and move on to lesson two.  Participation and classwork is a big part of student’s grades.  Students that have incomplete classwork still have time to make it up for credit.   

In science class, we watched experiments on how to separate mixtures.  We learned the differences between mixtures and solutions.  Next week we will continue with mixture and solutions and start density at the end of the week.   

Mrs. Simes: In math, we have begun Topic 2, Integers and Rational Numbers.  Students are using models to explain real-life applications.  In science, students continue their work within Unit 2, Mixtures in STEMscopes.  We will investigate and test to see how mixtures can be separated through demonstrations and videos, as well as work on our writing skills for C-E-R writing.  I do ask that students continue to look in their math and science Google Classrooms daily at their interactive whiteboard that gives them information of the day’s expectations, along with their schedule. After school help will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at  Have a great weekend.

Ms. Riley: Due to the shortened week, students have worked on rough drafts and editing of their personal narratives. They will be moving into their final drafts soon. All reference materials are located in Google Classroom. Please see that the reading diagnostic test in completed in i-Ready. E-mails were sent out at the beginning of the week if the test was not complete. i-Ready is a tool used in both Math and Reading. It is extremely important that students work on it at the assigned time.   As always, if you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at  Have a nice weekend.


Ms. Marciano: ELA: We will continue reading Act II of the drama “Monsters Are Due on Maple Street”. We will focus on text evidence and end with an end of unit assessment. 

Science: We will be wrapping up Unit 2: Competition in Ecosystems. Students will have a review on Monday, 11/9 and take the Unit 2 assessment on Tuesday, 11/10 (this will be an open notebook assessment). We will move into Unit 3 on Thursday, which takes a deeper look at the relationships within ecosystems. 

Mr. LeGrand: Math:  This week we are studying ratios, rates and unit rates.  Please encourage your student to keep up with their work.   

Social Studies:  We will continue our study of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Siberian Russian.   


Mr. Harris: Math – we are almost done our unit on Real Numbers!  Test will be upcoming!

Science – we are studying the motion of the planets and how that effects us here on Earth!

Please make sure your child is attending and completing their work.  Many students right now are submitting things blank and this is causing issues.  Talk with your student, have them show you what they are working on.  Together we can make sure they succeed!

Mr. Marinella: Hello everyone!! It seems like are getting the hang of this and finding a groove in the RLA!! I think we are getting more comfortable with remote learning and are making great progress!! A few quick reminders: make sure you are signing in to google meets on time (starting with HR and ending with success block), attendance matters. Remember the rules during google meets and be respectful of others. The expectations are much higher now, work is being accepted and graded, so make sure you get everything in on time and complete!! If you are ever curious about your grade, check school brains! This will tell you everything you neeed to know!

ELA– We are still in our first novel, Johnny Tremaine, about a boy living in Boston during the American Revolution! Ask your students what we have learned about Johnny so far, and how they’d like living during that time. This week we are reading chapter 4 in and out of school, see what your student can teach you about chapter 4, or what Johnny is up to after his injury. We are also constantly working on reading skills, writing, and grammar. The focus now is transitions and citing evidence to support our writing, how to move easily from one idea to another. I encourage all students to have a book or topic of what they like to read for down time, reading makes the brain stronger so more reading=more brain power!! 


Civics is moving on!! We learned all the important stuff that Athens had to offer, then we learned about Rome contributions to our government, followed a quick check with the Enlightenment Thinkers to see some more aspects of US government before the US was a thing. Now we at the rising tension between us and the British overlords. Quiz your students on the different causes of Independence!


A superstar is a student who is always trying, never getting discouraged, working hard, taking risks, helping others, setting great examples, or exhibiting another amazing characteristic important to learning or general success! This week’s superstars are Karla Cuevo Polanco ​Jayden Valentin of Orange, and Devin Cloyd ​and Keelin Russell from purple!! Every student demonstrates superstar qualities, but these were the brightest shiners this week!

Ms. Blanchette: Students in the Remote Learning Academy are hard at work learning grade level content. Students should be checking “Ms. Blanchette’s Online Google Classroom” for updates, extra help times and schedules for small group google meets. Please reach out with any questions or concerns. I look forward to another great week in the Remote Academy!


Guidance (Mrs. Vlahos): To: All 8th Grade Families

I will be meeting with all 8th graders regarding high school options and the transition to high school next week.  All of the information that will be presented to the students will be posted to my Grade 8 School Counseling google classroom.  All 8th graders are encouraged to join our google classroom with the class code: 3zh5izw to stay up to date on high school information. 

Haverhill High School will be holding a virtual Open House and the date will be announced shortly.  

The virtual Open House for Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School started on November 1st and will continue to run indefinitely.  It can be accessed at . Interested students are able to apply to Whittier Tech online ( now through April 1, 2021.

The virtual Open House for Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School is on November 21st, starting at 9am. You can access it at  You can apply to Essex Tech online ( now until the deadline of January 8, 2021.  

If your child is planning on applying to private high schools, please email me at directly as soon as possible.  The deadlines are quickly approaching.  Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you! –

Student Adjustment Counselor (Mrs. Midolo): Next weeks topic will focus on “How to stop a bully”. Please be sure to have your child check Mrs. Midolo’s google Classroom Page and Look for assignments and updates on Social Groups, which are held on Wednesdays. Please make sure that your child attends in order to receive the proper credit.  Have a great weekend.

Student Support Coordinator (Mr. Newell): I am available for help with chrome books, attendance concerns and everything in general. Please contact me at

Middle School Support Program (Mrs. Leydon & Mr. Diffin): Hope you all enjoyed your shortened week! Please continue to check the MSSP Google classroom for all updates. I will be sending out another reminder email to parents this week if your child has been missing from our social groups. Please reach out with any questions. 

Parent Liaison (Ms. Arias-Reyes): Estoy aquí para lo que necesiten, no duden en contactarme si tienen algunas preguntas o preocupaciones. Mi número es 781-666-4085 y mi correo electrónico es

Student Support Center (Mrs. Greenwood): Ms.Greenwood and Ms.Christine have been supporting you in the classrooms and proud of the hard work you are doing. The SSC is going to be naming the students who are outstanding for the week. This week’s outstanding students are Fiona Dacey gr5 and Zach Gaffney gr 7. Have a great weekend!

Reading Coach/Interventionist (Mrs. Guthrie): Hello! My name is Heather Guthrie and I am the new Literacy Coach/ Reading Interventionist for JGW. 

A little info about me: I have a Master’s in Education and I was an ESL teacher in Lawrence, Ma last year. I am proud to say I am a Hillie! I was born here (in fact I went to this school!) and reside in Haverhill with my husband and daughters. I am thrilled to be working with this amazing group of staff and students.


Please keep in mind the Massachusetts has restrictions for traveling out of state. If you are going to be traveling to a state that is considered to be a high-risk state, you will be required to quarantine for 14 days or have a negative covid test results. There are many states that are considered high-risk at this time, so please be sure to check an updated list prior to travel. For more details about restrictions, quarantining, and testing, please visit