Principal’s Weekly Update (12/13-12/17)



  • REPORT CARDS: Your student’s 1st trimester report card is available to view online through the student/parent portal. Please follow these directions to gain access:


  • Go to HPS main page:
    • Click on Parent & Student Resources
    • Click on Parent & Student Portal Login
    • Click Log-in
    • Use your student’s username & password to login
    • Click on Student Portal (top of page)
    • Select Report Cards/Progress Reports
    • Click Download

If you have any questions, please reach out to our main office at 978-374-5782.


DECEMBER NEWS: Congratulations to all Star Poet Society winners for the month of November! Your generous acts were noticed, and we are proud of all our winners. This month, we are focusing on the theme of responsibility. Being responsible means being dependable, making good choices, and taking accountability for your own actions. This means working hard on assignments, contributing to group work, asking for help when needed, and so much more. This also means that you charge your Chromebook each night at home. The JGW Star Poet Society will select winners for the month of December based on this theme.


DRAMA CLUB: Mr. Gariepy and the JGW Drama Club proudly present: WILLY WONKA JUNIOR!!

See an advertisement for the show here:

RULES: This event requires you to bring your own lawn chair/beach chair/etc. Tickets are being RSVP’d and are being sold in pods of 4 for $45 each at the door, regardless of the size of their party. Seats are first come, first served. We are also following Haverhill Public Schools’ guidelines on COVID-19 and social distancing. Therefore, all audience members will be required to wear a mask and stay close to their immediate family members and friends by maintaining a safe distance of 6 feet from other patrons.

RSVP: Please RSVP by clicking on the following link:

WHERE: JGW Gymnasium (doors will be open at the top of the 7th and 8th grade hallway, parking available next to the Gym AND on the 5th and 6th grade side of the school)

-Friday, December 17th (Doors open @ 6:40pm, show starts promptly at 7:00pm)
-Saturday, December 18th (Doors open @ 12:40pm, show starts promptly at 1:00pm)
-Saturday, December 18th (Doors open @ 3:40pm, show starts promptly at 4:00pm)
-Sunday, December 19th (Doors open @ 12:40pm, show starts promptly at 1:00pm)

Please contact Mr. Gariepy with any questions at


LOST & FOUND: The lost and found is growing with coats, sweatshirts and lunch boxes that need to find their owners.  Please have your child check to see if they left anything behind.




Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church 


Christmas Luncheon

Saturday. December 18, 2021


154-156 Winter Street




HAVERHILL PUBLIC SCHOOLS HANDBOOK (K-8): Please click on the link below to be connected to our up to date handbook for grades K-8:


MASKS: As we continue to adhere to the Massachusetts’s State Mandate that all people (students, staff, visitors) are required to wear a mask in the school building, we ask that you please send your student’s to school with a spare mask. Many students have been breaking their masks and need new one’s throughout the school day. We would appreciate families sending students with an extra mask each day. Thank you!


LOST & FOUND: Our lost & found is full of clothing. If your student is missing anything, please have them take a look!



 JGW Chromebook Policy

We understand that “things happen” and from time-to-time students will forget to charge their Chromebook or leave it at home.  Unfortunately, this is becoming a habit for some students and is happening far too often overall.  Students were made aware at the beginning of the school year that the expectation is for ALL students to bring their fully-charged Chromebook to school each day.

The supply of extra Chromebooks is limited.  Because of this, we are implementing a borrowing policy here at JGW for Chromebooks and chargers.  Students who forget their Chromebooks, bring them to school uncharged, or do not return a borrowed Chromebook the same day will be given consequences as follows:

First Offense: Student will be issued a warning

Second Offense: Parents/Guardians will be called

Third Offense or More:  Student will be given after-school detention

**These consequences will reset for all students each trimester.

If a student loses or damages a Chromebook or charger and  the student needs to be issued another device, the family will be charged a fee for the replacement.  Typically, the Chromebook replacement fee will be $199.00 and the charger replacement fee will be $39.00.

It is very important for students to come to school with charged and functioning Chromebooks.  The devices are used in most, if not all classes; including music and art.  We are asking families to be partners with the JGW in this, and remind your children to charge their Chromebooks and bring them to school every day.


Attendance: A reminder to all families that if your student will be absent for the day, please make sure to call the main office (978-374-5782) to notify the school. Thank you.


Dress Code: We receive many questions about our school’s dress code. We would ask that all families please review the Haverhill Public Schools Dress Code Policy with their students in order to ensure that it is properly being followed. Thank you for your attention to this. Please find a copy of the HPS Dress Code Policy below: Dress Code Policy (HPS)



The JGW PTO has teamed up with la Pizza di Forno to “Raise Some Dough”.  Pizza kits can be purchased for $15 and include dough, sauce, cheese and one topping. Students can have fun cooking their own pizza while helping the school. All orders must be in by Tuesday, December 14th.


To those who participated in the cookie dough fundraiser, the cookie dough pick-up date will be Friday, December 17th from 3-5PM at J.G. Whittier Middle School.  


The PTO has agreed to change future meeting dates to the 2nd Thursday of each month from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the JGW Teacher’s Room. The dates are as follows:

2001-2022 PTO Meeting Dates · January 13th · February 10th · March 10th · April 14th · May 12th · June 9th



BASKETBALL VISITOR POLICY: We are excited to welcome back the basketball season! In an effort to balance student activities with COVID safety we are asking that only current JGW students, faculty, and players’ parents/immediate family attend the home basketball games. Members of the public, former students, etc. are asked not to attend the games. We appreciate your understanding that our focus is to allow parents to see their children’s games without overcrowding indoors. In accordance with current state policies, anyone inside of the school building must wear a mask.

Thank you for your attention and continued support. 

BASKETBALL: The Boys Basketball team’s practices may change in the upcoming weeks to accommodate for the girls being able to practice in between their games. The next game will be on Tuesday at Hunking against the Bobcats for both the Girl’s & Boy’s teams.

The girl’s team will practice after school on Monday, December 13th until 4:30pm.


SKI CLUB: Ski Club takes place Fridays, starting on January 7th and runs for 6 weeks

-Lift tickets are valid from 3pm-7pm.

-Transportation to and from the mountain must be provided by parents

-Ski club members must be able to ride the ski lift and ski/snowboard independently in order to participate in the program.

-Parent Lodge Monitors will be onsite for the duration of Ski Club to assist the students in the lodge.

-Please email Ski Club Coordinator Amie Moscaritolo with any questions.




NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY: The NJHS is putting a contest for the staff at Whittier for who can wear their best Christmas sweater.  Tickets will be sold at lunch time for the kids to vote the week of the 13-17th. Tickets will be 2 for a dollar.  or 10 for 5 dollars, 20 for 10 dollars or 50 tickets for 20 dollars.  The winning teacher and the winning students whose name is chosen will both win hot cocoa and candy canes for their homeroom.


JR VIP: All students in Jr VIP please see Mrs. Reynolds for a field trip permission form for our next field trip, on December 21 to the YMCA for team building activities and group games.  You don’t want to miss it!!


MODEL UN: Model UN will be going to the conference held at Haverhill High School on the 14th and 15th. They will need to have a permission slip signed and their position paper finished in order to go to the conference.


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CLUB: The next DnD meeting will be on Wednesday, December 15th in Room 13 until 4 pm. Bring dice if you have your own set!




With a recent uptick in COVID19 cases, we want to thank everyone for being so patient and understanding. Please reach out to the nurses if you have any questions or seek clarification on quarantine or testing protocols. If possible, please send students to school with their own masks. We do have masks here but our supply is going fast!


MEDICATIONS/INHALERS: A reminder to all parents that students cannot self carry medication of any kind without physician orders and an active administration plan in place developed with the school nurse. Please reach out to our nurse’s office with any questions.






Ms. Simes: Grade 5 Math/Science (Blue/Purple Group) In math, students completed their Topic 4 Assessment, we now are moving forward to using models and strategies to divide decimals. Additionally, students should continue to work on their math fact fluency.  In science, students continue to make and record observations of their compost column, we are in Week 6; they will complete their reflection questions and the CER to this.  Also, students continue to work in their collaborative focus groups to solve a problem using the Engineering Design Process. After school help will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday this week from 2:45 p.m. to 3:20 p.m.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at


Ms. Marciano: ELA: We have finished working with our partners for “The Cod’s Tale”. As a class, we wrote a shortened version of the story, complete with text dependent questions. We will be moving into another new nonfiction text next week.

SS: Students just took a quiz on Unit 3, Lesson 2. To review at home, ask your child what the difference is between the governments of Jamestown and the colonies of New Spain and  New France. As we move into next week, we will be discussing what life was like for people in New England.


Ms. Hogan: This week in social studies, we learned about the middle colonies. We researched the founder of Pennsylvania, William Penn, and we learned about what life was like in the middle colonies. Next week, we will move on to learning about the southern colonies. We will discuss southern plantations and what life was like in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.


Ms. LaCoste: This week grade 5 ELA students (in red, orange, yellow, and green groups) have been working hard to write hooks and topic sentences for their opinion/persuasive essays.  A hook is a sentence that grabs the reader’s attention and the topic sentence simply states what the writer intends to share with their readers.  Ask your students about what topics we’ve discussed.  Next week, they’ll choose a persuasive/opinion topic of their own. We’ve also continued with our small reading groups.  Each group is working on fluency, questioning while reading, and respectful discussion when meeting together.  Our read aloud this week was a nonfiction story titled, Thirty Minutes Over Oregon.  The story told about the mission of a Japanese pilot during World War II.  We connected the story to the 80th anniversary of the bombings of Pearl Harbor and students learned the importance of reconciliation.


Ms. Consolazio: In science, the students are learning that matter is everywhere.  Everything in the universe is either matter or energy.   They will also learn what is matter and the states of matter. Please make sure students bring their Chromebooks in everyday charged.


Mr. Kelly: We have been working on Division with Whole Numbers. Afterwards, we will go into Division with Decimal Numbers. We will work on this until Winter Break. Every week, there will be homework that will be due on Friday. A reminder, please have students bring pencils with them to school.


Ms. Lees: The students in Fifth grade Orange and Green Groups are settling into a good routine of reading groups and writing lessons rotation. In Math students are learning long division – making sense or breaking the numbers apart. Those students with individual goals continue working towards achievement. Students who have LEXIA accounts are encouraged to work at home with their reading online as well as to read everyday out loud with someone at home or to themselves. It will help all students to log into iReady for reading or math to strengthen their skills. Please reach out if after school or before school help will support your student.


Ms. Blanchette: Students in grade 5 just completed their topic 4  math assessment on multiplying decimals and will begin working on topic 5 next week. Topic 5 will address dividing whole numbers using models and strategies. In ELA students will continue to explore different genres of books as they read and dissect short stories. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.




Ms. Hamel: I cannot believe Term One has closed and we are moving into our Term Two. I am proud of how hard our students are working towards their academic goals, but more importantly- how each of our students are truly working together to become an even better person than we were the day before! This Month our Student of the month focus was on “Generosity” and I want to congratulate Alyvia Feliz on receiving this award for our Homeroom- she is a true example of how we can all make a difference in each other’s lives. Way to Go Lyv!!!

Mrs. Hamel’s SS: Our students have begun their “Night at the Museum” Project where we dive deeper into Ancient Egypt and Early Civilizations. Students will become curators and create their own Museum Exhibit. We will also be working on a CSI assignment where students will work through case summaries to answer the age old question… “Was King Tut Murdered?” Lots happening before we head to our Winter Break.

Mrs. Hamel’s ELA: Students read a fabulous story on Pat Summitt and American Ladies Basketball Icon who fought for the rights of women’s sports and handed down a legacy to all young girls. Students spent time writing about why having a strong mentor in your life is important and class discussions were incredibly powerful. We are also working on Story Maps using Holiday Shorts (quick videos that tell a story). Students are focusing on Beginning, Middle and End of stories. We continue to read through our Percy Jackson novel and students are gearing up for the end of this fabulous Greek Mythology Page Turner!


Ms. Silveira: This week in science, we did a mix and match experiment where students got to mix and match different substances with one another to see if they produced an endothermic or exothermic reaction. Next week, we will take our knowledge of this and apply it to our CER and thermal energy exam.

In math this week, we have wrapped up chapter 2. Next week, we will be defining and working with exponents, figuring out how to calculate prime factorization, greatest common factor, and least common multiple.

We are in a new trimester so please check School Brains weekly for your child’s grades, so we can be on top of any missing assignments! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me.


Mr. Taylor: ELA – The end of the unit test for Unit 2 in Study sync and looking forward to Unit 3.

SS- Continuing our discussions on the Egyptian and Kush empires.


Mr. LeGrand: Mathematics:  Students were introduced to using order of operations to evaluate expressions.  We will build on that concept this week and also work on evaluating algebraic expressions by substituting a number in place of a variable.

Social Studies:  We are moving into Ancient Egypt and Kush.  We are discussing questions such as:  how does geography influence the way people live? , what makes a culture unique? , and why do civilizations rise and fall?


Ms. Lane: Science: The students have been working hard on their Explore 1 Experiment. They are learning how to calculate the density of solids and liquids. They will have a quiz to make sure they are learning how to calculate density appropriately.

Social Studies: The students are writing a 5 paragraph paper about Countries. We began using the information and research the students have gathered and they began writing the first and second paragraphs of their papers.


Ms. Tarbox: In ELA, Yellow and Orange groups have been working on story elements and will continue working on this all week. In Math, both groups have completed lessons on prime factorization, greatest common factor, and least common multiple. Now, we are moving into the order of operations. Last week, all Term 1 progress reports were emailed home. If needed, paper copies can be sent home. Please email





Mrs. Berthiaume: It has been a creative week in Room 12!  In Social Studies, students designed their own National Geographic Kids magazine covers using Google Drawing.  They highlighted items traded along the Silk Road and did an outstanding job!  In ELA, students crafted Victorian cone ornaments, since we are reading A Christmas Carol, which was written during the Victorian era.  Their creations look spectacular!


Mrs. Trombly: Mrs. Trombly’s math classes will be finishing up topic four before Christmas vacation.  Social studies classes will be finishing up ancient China and learning about the Great Wall.


Mrs. MacKinnon: We are finishing up our ecosystem unit on Biodiversity.  The kids will be doing a fun activity pretending they are trees that can be infected with pine beetles.  The goal is to not be a pine tree but a different species to survive.  They really like this activity and will learn a lot of biodiversity.  When they finish they will explain how changes to the biodiversity of an ecosystem—the variety of species found in the ecosystem—may limit the availability of resources humans use.


Ms. DiGloria: Students in Grade 7 Blue and Green groups in ELA will continue to work with our story, A Christmas Carol, next week. Students will be working on analyzing the story in relation to our Unit 2 theme on Love and Loss, which we will be wrapping up before the holiday break. In Social Studies, students will be participating in a very open-ended activity to wrap up our unit on China and East Asian geography. Students will be able to pick their activity to showcase their learning. Report cards were issued this past Tuesday, so please check the portal to see your student’s grades for this past Trimester. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


Mr. Auger: Hello Everyone!  This week in my 7th grade science class, students finished up the last unit in ecosystems.  They finished the week with a test on all of our ecosystems units.  Next week, we will begin our next unit, the water cycle.  Students will learn how the energy of the sun and Earth’s gravity drive the cycling of water as it moves through multiple pathways in Earth’s hydrosphere.  In my 7th grade social studies class, students spent the week working on an East Asia travel magazine cover.  This creative writing assignment also required students to research an area of geographic importance and write about the region as if they were a travel guide.


Mr. Harris: Blue – students are hard at work on how to write  expressions, and how to transform and simplify an equation into something that is equivalent.  Looking ahead, students will look at the discrete parts of how this happens – combining like terms and using the distributive property.

Green – students have finished their look at writing  expressions  and equivalent expressions.  We will now focus on the expanding expressions and then factoring expressions, using the distributive property.


Ms. Bilmazes & Ms. Holmes: Mrs. Holmes and I have been meeting, during the success block, with those students who have pull-out support in Math and ELA. This time is spent working on a variety of  interventions, such as iReady, additional practice, help with homework and classwork support. In addition, students are receiving support in the classroom from myself, Mrs. Holmes, and/or Ms. Credit. In ELA, students are continuing with the Highs and Lows unit in StudySync. In the Blue group, the students completed reading “A Christmas Carol” and are now summarizing the scenes. In Orange and Yellow groups, the students are continuing to read “A Christmas Carol”, interspersed with watching scenes from the movie. In addition, they have been learning what life was like during Victorian times.  In Math, students have completed the 7th grade benchmark assessment and  continue to work on Unit 3-1: Finding the sum and difference of expressions with variables. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions.




Mr. Lewis: English continues to read The Outsiders. We have started reading Chapter 2 and students should anticipate a quiz sometime next week. We have been focusing on character development and summary writing, as well as practicing making inferences. Students are trying to differentiate between what is stated directly and what is implied or suggested.


Ms. Deblasis: This week we will be continuing with Topic 3: Use Functions to Model Relationships.  Specifically, we will be learning how to connect representations of functions and compare linear and nonlinear functions.


Mr. Marinella: ELA- In ELA we just crossed the half-way point of our current novel study. Students seem to be really enjoying “The Outsiders” and are making important connections to the material! We will continue to read and analyze this text for its important themes and messages!

Civics- Civics is moving on to a very important topic in American history and government, the Bill of Rights. This document ensures that every citizen is protected from the government in many different ways and protects our ability to maintain our individual freedom. Students will be reading primary and secondary sources to gain a deeper understanding of the Bill of Rights, and analyzing different scenarios to see our rights in action!


Ms. Sullivan: This week in science we will interpret data to describe the role that human activities have played in causing the rise in global temperatures over the past century. We will continue our in class project this week . Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Mr. Blaustein: This week we completed the Online lesson for Ch 4 Lesson 1 The Bill of Rights as well as the Chapter Vocabulary. This week we will complete the Guided Reading and take a quiz on the Bill of Rights. Once we have completed those tasks we will begin the online Ch 4 Lesson 2 Civil War Amendments section.


Mr. Harris: Blue & Purple – students have completed the first half of our unit on Linear Equations, and are beginning the second half of the unit.  This next week we will be looking at the constant of proportionality, what it means, and how to find it from graphs, tables, and equations.  We will then apply this knowledge and connect it to what the slope of a line is, and how to work with it.


Ms. MacKinnon: The students will Examine and interpret data to describe the role that human activities have played in causing the rise in global temperatures over the past century.We will learn about  human activities which include fossil fuel combustion, deforestation, and agricultural activity. We will also learn examples of evidence that can include tables, graphs, and maps of global and regional temperatures; atmospheric levels of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane; and the rates of human activities.


Ms. Senior: Eighth graders in Mathematics are learning about which number groups are, or are not, a function and it’s more complex than it sounds, but they are getting the hang of it. ELA students are enjoying “The Outsiders” as the plot thickens! A visit to HHS was fruitful and students will be sitting for a placement test on Friday.


Ms. Blanchette: Grade 8 students are working on finding proportionalities using graphs and slope in math. In ELA , students will continue to read “The Outsiders” and explore vocabulary in context as well as character traits. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.





Physical Education: (Mr. Demarais): Our new trimester is now under way.  We will be walking our half mile at the beginning of each class weather permitting.  We are also in a field games unit.  Lacrosse, floor hockey, soccer and team handball.


Art (Ms. Boulger): The students in 5,6,7,8 blue and orange groups are starting a variety a variety of mixed media art assignments !

The art department is looking for donations of the following:

new/ used sports equipment (specifically footballs, and basketballs)

new/used frames

new/used/ unused jars to store mixed paint.

new/used T-shirts to use as smocks.


Artwork by Gabe grade 5


Health (Ms. Reynolds): grade 5- We are finishing our Self Esteem Unit with a fun activity on personal identity.  After that we will begin our Safety Unit.

grade 6- In grade 6 we are working on Healthy Habits and the Health Triangle. Towards the end of the week we will start our unit on Peer Pressure

grade 7- We are beginning our unit on Alcohol and Smoking/Vaping

grade 8 – We are beginning our unit on Substance Abuse


Music (Mr. Gariepy): Mr. Gariepy and the JGW Drama Club proudly present: 

Watch an advertisement video for the show here:

RULES: This event requires you to bring your own lawn chair/beach chair/etc. Tickets are being RSVP’d ahead of time, and are being sold in pods of 4 for $45 each at the door, regardless of the size of your party. Seats are first come, first served. We are also following Haverhill Public Schools’ guidelines on COVID-19 and social distancing. Therefore, all audience members will be required to wear a mask and stay close to their immediate family members and friends by maintaining a safe distance of 6 feet from other patrons.

RSVP: Please RSVP by clicking on the following link:

WHERE: JGW Gymnasium (doors will be open at the top of the 7th and 8th grade hallway, parking available next to the Gym AND on the 5th and 6th grade side of the school)

-Friday, December 17th (Doors open @ 6:40pm, show starts promptly at 7:00pm)
-Saturday, December 18th (Doors open @ 12:40pm, show starts promptly at 1:00pm)
-Saturday, December 18th (Doors open @ 3:40pm, show starts promptly at 4:00pm)
-Sunday, December 19th (Doors open @ 12:40pm, show starts promptly at 1:00pm)

Email with any and all questions!!


Library (Ms. Michitson): Good day families;  In the library we are picking out new books for the trimesters contest. Students are being introduced to local papers including the New York Times, USA today and the Wall Street Journal, I can start introducing the NYSE to the  students a little at a time. Should be fun.

Safe Holidays to All


Technology (Mr. Gordon): All Technology classes are beginning Digital Citizenship units.





Guidance (Ms. Vlahos): I continue to be available to connect with and support all students and families throughout the school week. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at I look forward to our continued work in support of a healthy, safe, and successful school year!


Student Support Coordinator (Mr. Newell): I am available to help support students and their families in any way possible. Please email me with any questions, thank you.


Student Adjustment Counselor (Ms. Midolo): Loyalty, Compassion and Self-Sacrifice: SEL Lesson on the four dragons.

This origin story folktale of the four major rivers in China teaches empathy and accountability. Four Dragons take pity on a village that has not had rain and suffers destruction due to drought.  The Dragons contradict the authority of the Jade Emperor and pay the ultimate price for their empathy.  It introduces 4 Awesome Questions** to initiate an open ethical discussion that fosters critical thinking and social emotional learning objectives.

*Like many old tales, the four Dragons teaches a social emotional lesson as well as reinforcing geography. Use this lesson in conjunction with world studies, diversity, and social justice curriculum.

**Four Awesome Questions: Before you speak or act, firs ask . . . Is it True?, Is it Fair? Will it Build Community and Better Friendship? Will it be Helpful to those Involved?


Student Adjustment Counselor (Ms. White): Trimester 1 is complete!  What a great first trimester spent getting to know all of the students.   Groups and individual counseling continue to go well as we continue to focus on making positive and safe decisions for ourselves and others.  As we head into the busy holiday season, we will focus on taking care of ourselves and different ways to manage stress!  Students continue to develop different coping strategies and techniques.


Middle School Support Program (Mrs. Leydon & Mr. Diffin): Report cards and progress reports came out on Tuesday. Progress reports were sent home in an envelope to MSSP students. Please let me know if you did not receive them. We also continued binder checks this week for the grades that didn’t get it done last week.


Parent Liaison (Ms. Arias-Reyes): ¡Feliz diciembre! Recuerden que mi horario es de 8:30am a 3:30 pm y mi número es 781-666-4085 y mi correo electrónico es, me pueden llamar, mandar un mensaje de texto o enviarme un correo electrónico. También tienen la opción de llamar a la escuela directamente para contactarme o usar la aplicación Remind, esta aplicación manda los mensajes directamente a mi computadora. Si tienen una pregunta o preocupación y necesitan un intérprete no duden en contactarme. Estaré más que feliz de poder ayudarlos a comunicarse con los maestros de sus hijos y el personal de la escuela. ¡Que tengan un buen fin de semana!


ELL (Ms. Khakali & Corporan): Our newcomer English language learners will be reading and analyzing A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (adapted for ELs). Next week students will be analyzing the main character, Scrooge. Our level 3-5 English learners will be continuing our Global Citizen unit and researching a country of their choice.


Student Support Center (Mrs. Greenwood): It has been a great week. It was awesome to go to the home Poets girls and boys basketball game on Tuesday. So much awesome school spirit. Please reach out to Mrs. Greenwood or Miss House if you have any questions. We are here to make sure that all students have a great school year.


Reading Intervention Team (Ms. Guthrie, Ms. Carney, Ms. Trovato): ELA  Assessments for grade 5 will begin this week. Students have been reading various genres of books and working on story elements in engaging and creative ways.

6-8th grades are completing Unit 2 of StudySynch. Teachers have been amazing at incorporating this new platform into their ELA classes.


Math Coach (Mr. Stelzer): All students have now taken our first district-wide benchmark assessment. Over the next week or two, teachers will look at the data in order to plan interventions and re-teaching based on math standards from the first part of the school year.