Principal’s Weekly Update (2/7-2/11)



JGW APPAREL STORE: The JGW PTO will be raising money by opening up a school store for students and families to purchase JGW merchandise between Friday, February 4th and Sunday, February 20th. Please see the attached flyer for all of the details: JG Whittier Middle School Apparel Fundraiser


2022 JGW SPELLING BEE: Because of the snow day on Friday, the school-wide spelling bee will be held on Tuesday, February 7, at 9 AM.


WALNUT SQUARE ALUMNI NEWS: The Walnut Square PTO is putting together a cookbook! If you or your children went to Walnut Square, please take a look at the flier linked below.

Please click here to view how Walnut Square alumni can get involved to help Walnut Square.  


JGW’S 2ND ANNUAL VIRTUAL TRIVA NIGHT: Come and join us (virtually) on the night of Thursday, February 17th from 7:00-8:30pm for our 2nd Annual Virtual Trivia Night!!

Please find the attached flier with all of the details, a link to sign up your family for the event, and a link for students to submit questions that could be selected for that evening.

We hope that many families want to come and join in on the fun and a chance to win some great prizes!

English Flier:

Spanish Flier:

English Trivia Entry Form:

Spanish Trivia Entry Form:

Student Submitted Questionnaire Form:

Student Submitted Question Form (Spanish):


  • PROGRESS REPORTS: Your student’s progress report will be available to view online through the student/parent portal starting Monday, February 7th at 3pm. Please follow these directions to gain access:


  • Go to HPS main page:
    • Click on Parent & Student Resources
    • Click on Parent & Student Portal Login
    • Click Log-in
    • Use your student’s username & password to login
    • Click on Student Portal (top of page)
    • Select Report Cards/Progress Reports
    • Click Download


Parent/Teacher Conferences: Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, February 10th from 5-6:30pm. All of these conferences will be held virtually. Please be on the lookout for communication from your student’s teachers on how to sign up. If you would like to request an in-person conference, please reach out to your student’s teacher directly to arrange that meeting.


FEBRUARY NEWS: Congratulations to all Star Poet Society winners chosen for the month of January, based on the theme of growth! The winners are: Aiden S., Henry F., Isabella D., Logan H., Piper F., Sophia G., Armaziah A., Mason D., Dale P., Emily A., Maria G., Paige K., Raquildis M., Rayne V., Cash M., Israel F., Gerwin L., Adrianna O., Alannah S., Heidy G., Joshua B., Jazmine W., Kaylee H., Mackenzie N., Samnielys S., Aidan B., Anthony F., and Mari T. Our JGW community is so proud of all winners for the month of January! For the month of February, the school theme will be empathy. Empathy is important for many reasons. Empathy helps us understand how others are feeling so we can respond appropriately to the situation. Empathy is important for creating strong relationships with others. Star Poet Society winners for the month of February will be selected based on this theme.


FEBRUARY VACATION ACADEMY: February Vacation Academy 2022 (1)

Haitian Creole February Vacation Academy 2022 (1)

Portuguese February Vacation Academy 2022 (1)

Spanish February Vacation Academy 2022 (1)


HAVERHILL PUBLIC SCHOOLS HANDBOOK (K-8): Please click on the link below to be connected to our up to date handbook for grades K-8:


MASKS: As we continue to adhere to the Massachusetts’s State Mandate that all people (students, staff, visitors) are required to wear a mask in the school building, we ask that you please send your students to school with a spare mask. Many students have been breaking their masks and need new ones throughout the school day. We would appreciate families sending students with an extra mask each day. Thank you!




 JGW Chromebook Policy

We understand that “things happen” and from time-to-time students will forget to charge their Chromebook or leave it at home.  Unfortunately, this is becoming a habit for some students and is happening far too often overall.  Students were made aware at the beginning of the school year that the expectation is for ALL students to bring their fully-charged Chromebook to school each day.

The supply of extra Chromebooks is limited.  Because of this, we are implementing a borrowing policy here at JGW for Chromebooks and chargers.  Students who forget their Chromebooks, bring them to school uncharged, or do not return a borrowed Chromebook the same day will be given consequences as follows:

First Offense: Student will be issued a warning

Second Offense: Parents/Guardians will be called

Third Offense or More:  Student will be given after-school detention

**These consequences will reset for all students each trimester.

If a student loses or damages a Chromebook or charger and  the student needs to be issued another device, the family will be charged a fee for the replacement.  Typically, the Chromebook replacement fee will be $199.00 and the charger replacement fee will be $39.00.

It is very important for students to come to school with charged and functioning Chromebooks.  The devices are used in most, if not all classes; including music and art.  We are asking families to be partners with the JGW in this, and remind your children to charge their Chromebooks and bring them to school every day.


Attendance: A reminder to all families that if your student will be absent for the day, please make sure to call the main office (978-374-5782) to notify the school. Thank you.


Dress Code: Please be aware that students are not allowed to wear pajamas or pajama pants to school. We receive many questions about our school’s dress code. We would ask that all families please review the Haverhill Public Schools Dress Code Policy with their students in order to ensure that it is properly being followed. Thank you for your attention to this. Please find a copy of the HPS Dress Code Policy below: Dress Code Policy (HPS)



JG Whittier Middle School Apparel Fundraiser

The PTO has agreed to change future meeting dates to the 2nd Thursday of each month from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the JGW Teacher’s Room. The dates are as follows:

2001-2022 PTO Meeting Dates · February 10th · March 10th · April 14th · May 12th · June 9th



BASKETBALL: Boys basketball will practice on Monday. The boys will have away games against Nettle on Tuesday and against Consentino on Wednesday. There will be transportation provided to both schools. Semi-Finals will be on the 16th and the Finals on the 17th.

Girls Basketball will hold practice on Tuesday and Thursday after school this week.





NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY: The NJHS has a busy season coming up.  During the week of February 7th – 11th we will be selling carnations at all lunches.  Flowers will be 2$ each grab them and give to your friends, or a favorite teacher to let them know you are thinking of them.  NJHS is also hosting spirit week the same week.  Monday will be 100s day, Tuesday will be pajama day, Wednesday will be celebrity day, Thursday will be iconic duo day, and Friday will be decades day.  5th grade will be 50s, 6th grade will dress as 60s, 7th grade will dress as 70s, and 8th grade will dress 80s. The third fundraiser we will be doing is a popcorn fundraiser.  This fundraiser is for the entire school to participate in.  If we reach a certain goal, we will be buying slush for the whole school.


JR VIP:  We will have a meeting on Wednesday, Feb 9th after school for one hour.  Our focus will be on creating the dialogue and planning our video project.  Also, we will make valentines for the seniors and the healthcare workers at the Wingate up the street to thank them for all they do.






Hello JGW Families!

Due to the pandemic, our office has been behind on immunization review and necessary screenings for our students.

We will be reviewing immunization records more intently. If you have any updated immunization records or physical exam paperwork, please send a copy to me or send it to school with your student to the nurse’s office.

We will start our 7th grade BMI screenings the week of February 7th. If you would like your 7th grader to opt out of the screening, please let me know by phone or email (

Have a wonderful weekend!


MEDICATIONS/INHALERS: A reminder to all parents that students cannot self carry medication of any kind without physician orders and an active administration plan in place developed with the school nurse. Please reach out to our nurse’s office with any questions.







Ms. Simes: This week in math, students will extend their knowledge of adding and subtracting fractions to use models (fraction strips and number lines) to add and subtract mixed numbers.   All students should continue to work on their math facts fluency, as this continues to be an important component to our lessons.  In science last week, students began building their understanding of changes in matter, by answering the question, “Does the weight of water change when it changes state?”  Students continue to investigate what happens to the weight of a mixture during a chemical reaction.  They will use their data from the lab to complete a CER explaining whether or not a change in the physical state of matter changes the matter’s weight.  After school help will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday this week from 2:45 p.m. to 3:20 p.m.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at  Have a wonderful weekend.


Ms. Marciano: ELA: We have been reading short passages and working on what the author’s message is in each passage. Students have been coming up with great messages that they are all able to relate to! Next week, we will start discussing Theme.

SS: We have finished learning about the French and Indian War, where students learned that the colonists wanted to create their own independence from Great Britain. Next week, we will be discussing what it means to be a “patriot” and “loyalist”. Students will be writing a letter from the perspective of a patriot or loyalist and explaining the reasons for wanting OR not wanting a war with Britain.


Ms. Hogan: This week in social studies, we spent most of the week working on an essay where we wrote from the perspective of a patriot or a loyalist. In our essays, we used evidence and reasoning to convince our readers that the Revolutionary War was a good idea or that it was a bad idea. Next week, we will be discussing how the Revolutionary War began. We will discuss Paul Revere and the Battles of Lexington and Concord.


Ms. LaCoste: Grade 5 ELA students spent some extra time on their reading this week.  Students are working with their guided reading groups to answer comprehension questions focused on 3 areas that develop complex thinking, which proficient readers possess.  The questions focus on thinking within the text, about the text, and beyond the text.  After rehearsing their answers with their groups, students wrote a “reading response” in their reading journals.  We’ve continued with word work and editing skills.  Next week, we’ll continue to dive deeper into our books and also complete our personal narratives.  Don’t forget, parent-teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, February 10, 2022.  Be on the lookout for email sign-ups soon!


Ms. Consolazio: In science, we are beginning our next scope Changes in Matter.   Students will learn about the difference between physical and chemical changes.  In class this week, students wrote their CER on physical properties of metal and started writing vocabulary for the new scope. Please make sure students bring their Chromebook charged every day for class.


Mr. Kelly: We have started our work on Fractions. This week we worked on modeling fractions using a variety of methods and adding fractions with like denominators. Next week, we will continue by subtracting fractions with like denominators and finding equivalent fractions. As a reminder, there is no homework every week that is due on Friday. The homework is important because it helps to reinforce the skills taught in class.


Ms. Lees: The students in Fifth grade Orange and Green Groups are exploring fractions in Math and getting more skillful in editing their writing and talking to explain their reading. Those students with individual goals continue working towards achievement. Students who have LEXIA accounts are encouraged to work at home with their reading online as well as to read every day out loud with someone at home or to themselves. It will help all students to log into iReady for reading or math to strengthen their skills. Please reach out if after school or before school help will support your student.


Ms. Blanchette: Students will continue to engage in grade level curriculum next week. Progress reports will be available next week for review and parent teachers conferences will be held on Thursday 2/10. Please check your email for information on how to schedule a time for a conference. Extra help with Ms. Blanchette will be after school on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:45-3:30. Please reach out if you have any questions. I look forward to another great week!






Ms. Hamel: Congratulations to Gerwin and Sandi for winning the “GROWTH” Award from room 9… Way To Go!!  Keep up the awesome work!

SS: Students have begun to turn our focus to the Valuable Resources of Africa. Students will learn the top 10 oil producing countries and discover that gold and diamonds are mined in Africa. Students will also learn about farming practices and discover that cacao and coffee are two important African crops. Students will also take a look at the importance of the Nile River as a water source for a number of countries. Finally, students will learn about some of the many interesting and unusual animals of Africa.

ELA: As we near the end of our unit “In the Dark,” students have been reading non fiction excerpts, speeches and articles and writing short prompts which allow them to dig through the surface into some critical thinking questions. Students have been having great discussions and making strong connections to these subjects of what to do when there are no instructions. We are also continuing our read in HOLES by Louis Sachar. The students are enjoying the story while also working on reading comprehension questions throughout each chapter.


Ms. Silveira: Grade 6 Science (Green and Blue) Mrs Guthrie

This week we finished up our first module of waves. We will be starting our 2nd module this upcoming week. The students in both classes were absolutely amazing while we investigated,  performed experiments, and learned new academic vocabulary. Have a great weekend!


Mr. Taylor: ELA – Finishing up Unit 3 in Study sync and working on some creative writing and character development.

SS- Africa and the resources that are available on the continent.


Mr. LeGrand: Mathematics: This week, students will analyze the relationships between variables by using tables.  They will also write equations to represent the relationships between variables.

Social Studies:  Students are learning about the natural resources of Africa.  Students will learn about the top 10 oil-producing countries and will discover that gold and diamonds are mined in Africa.  Students will also discover the importance of the Nile River as a water source for a number of countries.


Ms. Lane: Science: The students will have a test on the Properties of Waves on Monday February 2. They played a trivia game today that will prepare them to answer the questions on the test. All of the groups enjoy this game and some of them get very competitive. The students are about to begin a new unit about modeling waves through various mediums. Some waves need a medium to travel while others do not. The speed of sound depends on the medium. The students will also continue to learn new vocabulary words, expanding their knowledge of words.

Social Studies: The students continue to write reports about current events using CNN10 every day. The students continue to study Africa. They are creating and making African Masks that we will hang in the hallway at school for everyone to enjoy. They will finalize their packets about the Ivory Wars next week and begin to explore the political divisions of Africa.


Ms. Tarbox: In ELA, both Yellow and Orange groups are wrapping up their narratives. We are also revisiting identifying textual evidence. In math, both Yellow and Orange groups are learning the differences between an independent variable and a dependent variable. Be on the lookout for emails regarding updated Fountas & Pinnell reading levels! We have wrapped in mid-year benchmark assessments. This will assess progress in fluency, decoding, and reading comprehension since our last assessment in October. As always, please reach out to Mrs. Tarbox with any questions or concerns regarding any subject area,





Mrs. Berthiaume: In ELA, students just read The First Americans, which addresses the unjust treatment of Native Americans.  Students created literary valentines, each composing a thoughtful note from one character to another from a work of literature they have read this school year. In Social Studies, we are still studying ancient Greece and recently took a virtual field trip to Greece using Google Earth.


Mrs. Trombly: Math classes are quickly moving through inequalities. We will finish them within the next week and move on to rates proportions and percents. Social studies we have started ancient Greece and will be working on this for the next few weeks.


Mrs. MacKinnon: We are finishing up our unit on Geoscience processes.  The kids did a lab showing plate tectonic movement using graham crackers and frosting.  I think they understood the concept but also had fun doing it.  We will be learning about sea floor spreading and having our end of unit test on Thursday of next week.  We will then be moving onto our next unit on Natural hazard predictions.  Don’t forget to check online for your son or daughter’s progress report.


Ms. DiGloria: Next week in Grade 7 Green and Blue Groups, students in English will continue to work with our fantasy short story, The Smallest Dragonrider. We will be working on our text-evidence and analysis skills while engaging with conflict, tone, and theme. We will be wrapping up Unit 3 (Chasing the Impossible) before February break. In Social Studies, we will begin by looking at the “Polis” of Ancient Greece, and learning about different forms of Greek government! Please check in with your student’s Progress Report and encourage students to continue to do their best. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. I will see many of you this week (virtually) on Thursday for parent-teacher conferences!


Mr. Auger: Hello everyone! This week in my 7th grade science class, students worked to expand their knowledge of geoscience processes and worked to understand how the Earth’s surface has changed over time.  Students did a hands-on lab activity to improve their understanding of plate tectonics.  We also discussed the Layers of Earth and the difference between small and large scale processes.  Next week we will complete this unit and have an exam.  In my 7th grade social studies class, students have been learning about the geography of Ancient Greece and how it has affected the development and culture of the region.  Next week, we will begin to learn about the history of Ancient Greece. Have a great weekend!


Mr. Harris: Green – we are continuing to look at proportions and proportional relationships.  This part of the unit really sets up a lot of the concepts that are stressed in 8th grade math next year.  Look for our end of unit test coming up at the end of the week!

Blue – we have just begun our look at proportions and proportional relationships.  This part of the unit really sets up a lot of the concepts that are stressed in 8th grade math next year.  Look for a Quiz on the first two sections of the unit early this week!


Ms. Bilmazes & Ms. Holmes: In ELA , students are continuing with the Chasing the Impossible unit, discussing the story  “The First Americans”.   In yellow and orange math, students have wrapped up chapter 3 and have begun Chapter 4 on Inequalities. Mrs. Holmes and I have been meeting, during the success block, with those students who have pull-out support in Math and ELA. This time is spent working on a variety of  interventions, such as iReady, additional practice, help with homework and classwork support. In addition, students are receiving support in the classroom from myself, Mrs. Holmes, and/or Ms. Credit.  As always, feel free to reach out with any questions.





Ms. Deblasis: This week we will begin Topic 5: Analyze & Solve Systems of Equations. Our first two concepts will be estimation of solutions by inspecting and solving systems by graphing.


Mr. Marinella: ELA– Blue and Purple English has started a new novel that we are going to be reading and dissecting; The Call of the Wild. This story is about a dog named Buck who experiences hardships at the hands of his masters and must ultimately find freedom in the Yukon. While men fight and search for gold, Buck will be fighting and searching for his true identity, one that is tied to his wild ancestry. This book is overcoming hardship, connecting with your past, and becoming who you truly are.

Civics– Civics has taken a brief break from our year-long Civics Project to get back into our curriculum. We have been focusing on understanding the Legislative Branch. The Founding Fathers put this branch in Article I of the Constitution to show its importance, yet many people do not understand its most basic responsibilities or powers. Our job, in room 15, is to learn why we have this branch, who is a member of it, and what these people do. We are also going to be focusing on how we can use our voices as citizens to influence and impact the Legislative Branch, our Congress, to better serve us and our needs as Americans.


Ms. Sullivan: This week will explore different materials to determine if a chemical reaction occurred. We will be doing labs, readings, and vocabulary.  There will be a test at the end of the week. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Mr. Blaustein: We took the Ch 4 Bill of Rights test this week completing our study of that unit. Our next unit is The  Legislative Branch. Our first lesson will be The Structure of Congress. We will also begin the District Civics Project. Students will either work alone or with a partner. They will choose a civics issue important to them and their community, do research and create a powerpoint presentation exploring the issue and offering possible solutions. We will work on this project one day per six week cycle until all students have completed the project or the end of the term.


Mr. Harris: We are continuing our unit on Functions…what they are, linear vs nonlinear, how to work with them in multiple forms (table, graph, equation).  Look for a Mid Chapter test coming up early this week!


Ms. MacKinnon: We are continuing on chemical and physical changes and properties.  We have done a couple of experiments showing both physical and chemical changes and how to identify them using their properties.  We should be finished with their unit by the end of the week and moving onto Conservation of Mass.  Don’t forget to check your son or daughter’s progress reports online.


Ms. Senior: Meaningful poetry is being explored by our 8th graders in ELA, and our Math classroom is bursting with histograms, relative frequency, and two-way relative frequency tables.


Ms. Blanchette: Students will continue to engage in grade level curriculum next week. Progress reports will be available next week for review and parent teachers conferences will be held on Thursday 2/10. Please check your email for information on how to schedule a time for a conference. Extra help with Ms. Blanchette will be after school on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:45-3:30. Please reach out if you have any questions. I look forward to another great week!




Physical Education: (Mr. Demarais): My classes are still working on our net games unit.  Volleyball, badminton, tennis, and nitroball.


Art (Ms. Boulger): The students in 7,8 blue and orange groups are working a variety of mixed media art assignments such as murals, paintings, sculptures and drawings! Students in grades 5 and 6 are making pinch pots and small clay sculptures while learning the stages of clay.

The art department is looking for donations of the following:

new/used sports equipment (specifically footballs, and basketballs)

new/used frames

new/used/ unused plastic or glass jars to store mixed paint.

new/used T-shirts to use as smocks.


Health (Ms. Reynolds):

Grade 5  Nutrition Unit – this week we will discuss water and hydration as well as beginnig to read food labels

Grade 6  Body Systems Unit – Our focus this week is on the respiratory and digestive systems

Grade 7  Advertising Unit – Students will examine ads for alcohol and smoking and determine the target audiences for many ads

Grade 8  Mental Health Unit – We will look at Depression, how it affects teens and help available


Music (Mr. Gariepy): This week in music class, we continued piano lessons and began watching the following movie musicals:

Grades 5 & 6: Encanto

Grade 7: The Sound of Music

Grade 8: Hamilton

Questions that coincide with each movie can be found in your child’s music classroom. Every class, we answer a new set of questions based on what we’ve just watched.

One big hurdle that we all have been trying to accomplish all year is getting back into the swing of regular schooling and education. Our children need us all to be supportive and to hold them accountable for things that they are supposed to be doing. It is our job as parents and educators of middle school children to guide them to be responsible and to make smart decisions. I look forward to continue fostering this environment for your children over the remaining few months of school!! We can do this!!


Technology (Mr. Gordon): All grade star continuing assignments/projects from last week…

Grade 8 is trying their hand at Digital Mosaics and continuing the Food Truck Simulation

Grade 7 is coding with Google CS (computer science) First

Grade 6 is coding with Code Combat (coding your character against classmates)

Grade 5 is finishing up basic coding with Fundamentals





Guidance (Ms. Vlahos): High school interviews are underway!  Whittier Tech Interviews are Monday, February 14, 2022 and Tuesday February 15, 2022 at JG Whittier Middle School.  Interviews will be held from 9am and conclude by 8th grade lunch each day.  Each applicant has been notified of their interview appointment – if there are any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Vlahos in Guidance (  Haverhill High School program (CTE and Classical Academy) interviews are in process of being scheduled – Classical interviews are 2/7-2/10 and applicants have been contacted by HHS regarding interview appointments and CTE interviews will be in March and applicants should be hearing soon.   Stay tuned!

I continue to be available to connect with and support all students and families throughout the school week. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at I look forward to our continued work in support of a healthy, safe, and successful school year!



Student Support Coordinator (Mr. Newell): I am available to help support students and their families in any way possible. Please email me with any questions, thank you.


Student Adjustment Counselor (Ms. Midolo): Next week we will focus on the meaning of empathy by highlighting that our detractions are also our gifts.  The lesson introduces a simple ethical framework of the 4 Awesome Questions: Is it true?  Is it fair? Will it build better friendships and community? Will it be helpful to those involved?   This lesson provides audio that is paced with the text and follows up with open-ended questions to promote Social Emotional Learning and Critical Thinking.


Student Adjustment Counselor (Ms. White): We are working on building our self-esteem and confidence in ourselves.  We continue to build upon our coping skills and practicing utilizing them!  I am available to support all students and families.  Please do not hesitate to contact me at


Middle School Support Program (Mrs. Leydon & Mr. Diffin): Progress reports will be coming out next week. A reminder that they are based off the mid-point of the trimester, so this will be our motivation to either continue doing well or to put in a little more effort in certain classes. We will continue to do our monthly binder checks and social groups to hopefully help academically and socially. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.


Parent Liaison (Ms. Arias-Reyes): Recordatorio: Mi horario es de 8:30am a 3:30 pm y mi número es 781-666-4085 y mi correo electrónico es, me pueden llamar, mandar un mensaje de texto o enviarme un correo electrónico. También tienen la opción de llamar a la escuela directamente para contactarme o usar la aplicación Remind, esta aplicación manda los mensajes directamente a mi computadora. Si tienen una pregunta o preocupación y necesitan un intérprete no duden en contactarme. Estaré más que feliz de poder ayudarlos a comunicarse con los maestros de sus hijos y el personal de la escuela. RECORDATORIO: ESTARÉ FUERA EL MARTES 8 DE FEBRERO, PUBLICARÉ MÁS INFORMACIÓN EN LA APLICACIÓN REMIND. ¡Que tengan un buen fin de semana!


ELL (Ms. Khakali & Corporan): All of our ELLs will be taking the mandated ACCESS test Tuesday, 2/8/2022 – Friday, 2/11/2022.  The test measures academic English language proficiency for students learning English in our school and throughout our state. The students are tested in the 4 language domains (listening, speaking, reading and writing).  Please make sure your child is well rested next week so they can demonstrate their mastery of English.


Math Coach (Mr. Stelzer): Students have all completed the 2nd iReady benchmark diagnostic. Teachers will be conferring with students to track progress and set goals for the next part of the year. Grade level teams will meet with the math coach to identify areas to focus on and make plans for intervention and enrichment based on iReady data.