Principal’s Weekly Update (3/7-3/11)



 2nd Trimester Grades close on Thursday, 3/10.


2nd Trimester Report Cards will be available via the Student/Parent Portal on Friday, March 18th (more information to follow)


March News: For the month of March, the school theme is grit. Grit is important for so many reasons! When you work hard toward a goal, overcome challenges, and stick with it even when it’s hard, that’s grit. A student with grit is less likely to feel discouraged when they perform poorly on a test, or when faced with a difficult question. These students understand that challenges are part of the journey towards success. JGW’s Star Poet Society winners for the month of March will be selected based on this theme.




Haverhill Girls Softball registration is open through this weekend! Last day to register is March 6th. You can register by visiting


Parent Workshop from McLean Hospital: Raising a Resilient Child (English)

Raising a Resilient Child (Spanish)



HAVERHILL PUBLIC SCHOOLS HANDBOOK (K-8): Please click on the link below to be connected to our up to date handbook for grades K-8:



 JGW Chromebook Policy

We understand that “things happen” and from time-to-time students will forget to charge their Chromebook or leave it at home.  Unfortunately, this is becoming a habit for some students and is happening far too often overall.  Students were made aware at the beginning of the school year that the expectation is for ALL students to bring their fully-charged Chromebook to school each day.

The supply of extra Chromebooks is limited.  Because of this, we are implementing a borrowing policy here at JGW for Chromebooks and chargers.  Students who forget their Chromebooks, bring them to school uncharged, or do not return a borrowed Chromebook the same day will be given consequences as follows:

First Offense: Student will be issued a warning

Second Offense: Parents/Guardians will be called

Third Offense or More:  Student will be given after-school detention

**These consequences will reset for all students each trimester.

If a student loses or damages a Chromebook or charger and  the student needs to be issued another device, the family will be charged a fee for the replacement.  Typically, the Chromebook replacement fee will be $199.00 and the charger replacement fee will be $39.00.

It is very important for students to come to school with charged and functioning Chromebooks.  The devices are used in most, if not all classes; including music and art.  We are asking families to be partners with the JGW in this, and remind your children to charge their Chromebooks and bring them to school every day.


Attendance: A reminder to all families that if your student will be absent for the day, please make sure to call the main office (978-374-5782) to notify the school. Thank you.


Dress Code: Please be aware that students are not allowed to wear pajamas or pajama pants to school. We receive many questions about our school’s dress code. We would ask that all families please review the Haverhill Public Schools Dress Code Policy with their students in order to ensure that it is properly being followed. Thank you for your attention to this. Please find a copy of the HPS Dress Code Policy below:




The PTO has agreed to change future meeting dates to the 2nd Thursday of each month from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the JGW Teacher’s Room. The dates are as follows:


2001-2022 PTO Meeting Dates · March 10th · April 14th · May 12th · June 9th



Volleyball: Boys & Girls will practice on Monday & Friday from 3-5pm. The boys will also practice on Thursday 3/10 from 3-5pm and the girls will practice on Wednesday 3/9 from 3-5pm. The first game will be on Tuesday 3/8 against Hunking.




DANCE TEAM: Dance team will resume on Monday, 3/7 after school in the cafeteria


NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY: The popcorn Fundraiser has begun.  You can order online or have it delivered to the school and pick it up this year.  If  anyone has lost their slip they can get a new one in room 11.   Our next meeting will be Wednesday March 11th.


JR VIP:  We plan on meeting on Tuesday, 3/8 after school in the Art Room.  If the volleyball schedule conflicts, this date may be moved.  I will let all students know via the google Jr VIP classroom.


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CLUB: We will be having a meeting in Room 15,  on Tuesday, March 8th to discuss upcoming dates and groups. This meeting will be for members who were a part of our first Campaign only!


DRAMA CLUB: 2022 Spring Musical: Moana Jr.

Please consider visiting to make a donation today!!





Hello JGW Families!

Due to the pandemic, our office has been behind on immunization review and necessary screenings for our students. We will be reviewing immunization records more intently. If you have any updated immunization records or physical exam paperwork, please send a copy to me or send it to school with your student to the nurse’s office.

We are also looking for any clothing donations to keep in our office in case students are in need of a change of clothes. Any contribution is greatly appreciated! Sizing preference varies: Pants, sweatpants, jeans, leggings, tshirts (long sleeve or short sleeve) and socks are needed. We have students from grades 5 to 8, therefore any sizing that may be appropriate for this age group is welcome! Thank you.

Have a wonderful weekend!


MEDICATIONS/INHALERS: A reminder to all parents that students cannot self carry medication of any kind without physician orders and an active administration plan in place developed with the school nurse. Please reach out to our nurse’s office with any questions.







Ms. Simes: This week in math, students have begun to use their knowledge of whole number multiplication to multiply with whole numbers and fractions, as well as with mixed numbers.  They further will apply this to computing real-world problems as we move through this topic.  All students should continue to work on their math facts fluency, as this continues to be an important component to our lessons.  In science, students began their last scope and are wondering, “do we ever create new substances?”  They will apply current and past academic vocabulary to explain what mixtures and solutions are.  In addition, they will complete a lab and the CER that will use the data from their lab.  After school help will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday this week from 2:45 p.m. to 3:20 p.m.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at  Have a wonderful weekend.


Ms. Marciano: ELA: We are continuing our review of drama. We will move into MCAS review for the rest of the month, as ELA MCAS is coming up quickly!

SS: We have started Unit 5 and discussed the Battles at Lexington & Concord, the Second Continental Congress, and the Battle of Bunker Hill. We will start to discuss Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” and the Declaration of Independence.


Ms. Hogan: At the beginning of this week, we worked on biographies for Black History Month. At the end of the week, we started to work on our spring document-based question (DBQ) essay. The focus of this assignment is the rights and responsibilities of American citizens. We have started to analyze a couple of the documents. Next week, we will continue to analyze the documents and we will start to outline our essay.


Ms. LaCoste: Be sure to check your student’s ELA Google Classroom for details about this term’s long term homework assignment.  Students will be responsible for reading a biography about a famous person and collecting details about their life.  We’ll be doing the final project in class, but students should do the bulk of reading and note taking at home.  We’ve gone over some of those expectations in class and will continue to do so in the next few weeks.  In class this week, we began preparations for our MCAS testing by looking at tests from the past.  Students worked to refine their response writing and searching for text evidence to support their answers.  In guided reading, most groups have completed their books and have written their end of book responses.  Next, groups will be shuffled and we’ll cover nonfiction.


Ms. Consolazio: In science, we started our next scope Mixtures.   Students will learn about physical changes, chemical changes, mixtures, and solutions.  This week students wrote vocabulary, read about mixtures, and took notes.  This is a short scope and students will have a quiz next Wednesday on what they have learned. Please make sure students bring their Chromebook charged every day for class.


Mr. Kelly: This week, we finished adding and subtracting Fractions. We took a test on those skills in class on Friday. Next week, we will be going into multiplying and dividing with Fractions. We will be working on this over the next couple of weeks. As a reminder, homework is given out on Monday and is due on Friday. If any student needs help, I am available to stay after school on any day to provide support.


Ms. Lees: Students in Fifth grade Orange and Green Groups will begin multiplying and dividing fractions. In ELA we will be responding to informational text in writing and finish our reading groups books. Those students with individual goals continue working towards achievement. Students who have LEXIA accounts are encouraged to work at home with their reading online as well as to read everyday out loud with someone at home or to themselves. It will help all students to log into iReady for reading or math to strengthen their skills. Please reach out if after school or before school help will support your student.


Ms. Blanchette: Students continue to engage in grade level curriculum. Please check in with your student to make sure they are caught up on work as grades close on Thursday, March 10th. Extra help is offered every week on Tuesday and Thursdays. Please reach out with any questions. Have a great week!





Ms. Hamel: I am happy to be back in the classroom and looking forward to some Spring Weather!!!

ELA: Students are working on literary terms and what makes a story a well written one! How to keep the reader engaged. We have also begun a new Unit in Study Sync- “Personal Best”- what qualities make a person their very best and how can we achieve greatness? We begin our week reading about Malala Yousafzai, the girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban. Students will read excerpts, poems and short stories on people who continue to strive for greatness.

We have also begun our third novel study: A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. The story ties in two eleven year olds from Sudan, one story unfolding in 2008 and one in 1985 and how both their stories rely on one “hopeful message; that even in a troubled country, determined survivors may find the future they are hoping for.”

SS: Students are working through the final tour through Africa concentrating on African Culture. Students are learning the importance of the arts, crafts, music, food, and fabrics that these unique people have developed and how they continue to influence our world today. Students will take a stop in Egypt to admore the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx.

As we wrap up in Africa, students will be working on a technological research project creating a Google SlideShow of an African Country to share with the class.

Next Stop: South America!


Mr. Taylor: ELA – Stariting up Unit 4  in Study sync answering the question; Which character traits matter most?.

SS- Exploring African Culture and reviewing class projects.


Mr. LeGrand: Mathematics: Previously in this topic, students compared ratios by generating equivalent ratios until two corresponding terms were the same and used rates to describe ratios with different units and found unit rates.  In this lesson, students will extend their understanding to compare unit rates.  In addition, grade 6 will take the 2nd district math benchmark on Tuesday of this week.

Social Studies:  We are finishing the chapter on Africa and will take the assessment this week.


Ms. Lane: Science: The students started the new chapter on Modeling Waves through various mediums. Scientists – Do Now’s –  this month we are learning about the Scientists of Women’s History Month and how they researched and paved the way for so many new scientific solutions.  The students will be able to write about how sounds differ as they travel through air and solids. They will describe how we can see sound waves. Finally, they will model sound wave absorption, reflection and transmission. Once they complete these tasks they will be ready to take a test on Friday 3/4/22.

Social Studies: The students continue to write reports about current events using CNN10 every day. The students continue to study Africa. They are finding out about the Valuable Resources of Africa and moving into learning about African Culture. The students also created Propaganda posters about the Ivory Wars and they worked in groups to accomplish these posters. They were well thought out, planned and the drawings were beautiful, creative and outspoken! GREAT WORK YELLOW GROUP!


Ms. Tarbox: In ELA, both Yellow and Orange groups are working on understanding the author’s purpose. Also, students have just started reading “A Long Walk to Water.” In math, both Yellow and Orange groups are working their way through Topic 5, which explores ratios. As always, please reach out to Mrs. Tarbox with any questions or concerns regarding any subject area,





Mrs. Berthiaume: This week in ELA, we wrapped up our unit “Chasing the Impossible” with the story of Harriet Tubman.  We will begin our next unit, “Moment of Truth,” soon.  Please be aware of the ELA MCAS schedule: April 5 and April 6.  In Social Studies, we are continuing our study of ancient Greece.  Students really enjoyed the god and goddesses mini project.  We will start the spring DBQ shortly.


Mrs. Trombly: Math classes are currently working on proportions and percentages. Benchmark #2 will be given next week during class time.

Social studies will be finishing up on ancient Greece next week.


Mrs. MacKinnon: We have begun our next unit on human impact and the environment.  The main question the students will be answering is ” How does our use of natural resources impact the environment?”  The students will Construct an argument supported by evidence that human activities and technologies can mitigate the impact of increases in human population and per capita consumption of natural resources on the environment.


Ms. DiGloria: In English next week we will be jumping into our fourth unit of the school year, Moment of Truth. We will work with two texts next week – a ballad titled Casey At The Bat and an informational text about peer leaders. We will continue to work on MCAS skills by using these texts. In Social Studies, students will practice some advanced evidence skills and wrap up our work on Athens and Sparta by completing a compare/contrast project. Remember that grades close on Thursday, March 10th. Please have students complete all late work by the end of the week.


Mr. Auger: Hello Everyone! This week in my 7th grade science class, we completed our unit on natural hazards.  Students learned about hurricanes, tornadoes, landslides, volcanoes, and other natural disasters and they learned about the different tools and methods that scientists use to predict and study these events.  Next week we will begin our next unit, human impact on the environment.  We will explore how our use of natural resources impacts our environment and ecosystems.  In my 7th grade social studies class, students learned about the ancient Greek city states of Athens and Sparta.  Next week we will begin discussing and writing our second and final DBQ (Document Based Question) of the year. I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Mr. Harris: Students will be taking a benchmark assessment from the city on Tuesday.  Both groups are working on their unit on Percents.  I have mentioned to the students multiple times, that there are many ways to solve percent problems.  We are focusing on the percent proportion method.


Ms. Bilmazes & Ms. Holmes: In ELA , students are completing the Chasing the Impossible unit, discussing the story “Harriet Tubman”, as well as working on writing essays in preparation for MCAS. In Math, students are continuing to work on proportionality, using cross multiplication. Mrs. Holmes and I have been meeting, during the success block, with those students who have pull-out support in Math and ELA. This time is spent working on a variety of  interventions, such as iReady, additional practice, help with homework and classwork support. In addition, students are receiving support in the classroom from myself, Mrs. Holmes, and/or Ms. Credit.  As always, feel free to reach out with any questions.






Mr. Lewis: English class has started a unit on persuasion. During this time we will be reading a persuasive essay on the potential harms of too much screen time, specific techniques persuasive writers use, and a project on advertisements.

By the end, students should be able to identify and explain the significance of basic persuasive strategies as well as evaluating certain examples of persuasion to determine their efficacy.


Ms. Deblasis: This week we will be continuing with Topic 5: Analyze & Solve Systems of Linear Equations.  Specifically, we will be learning how to solve systems of equations using the substitution and elimination methods.


Mr. Marinella: ELA– Blue and Purple English are finishing our latest novel that we have been reading and dissecting; The Call of the Wild. This story is about a dog named Buck who experiences hardships at the hands of his masters and must ultimately find freedom in the Yukon. While men fight and search for gold, Buck will be fighting and searching for his true identity, one that is tied to his wild ancestry. This book is overcoming hardship, connecting with your past, and becoming who you truly are. And soon we will be getting a new novel to read and digest!

Civics– Civics has taken a brief break from our year-long Civics Project to get back into our curriculum. We have been focusing on understanding the Legislative Branch. The Founding Fathers put this branch in Article I of the Constitution to show its importance, yet many people do not understand its most basic responsibilities or powers. Our job, in room 15, is to learn why we have this branch, who is a member of it, and what these people do. We are also going to be focusing on how we can use our voices as citizens to influence and impact the Legislative Branch, our Congress, to better serve us and our needs as Americans.


Ms. Sullivan: We just finished our chemistry unit this week and will be moving into our unit on heat and matter.  In this unit we will be developing models that describe and predict changes in particle motion, relative spacial arangement, temperature and state of pure substances when thermal energy is added or removed.


Mr. Blaustein: We are completing the online McGraw-Hill Ch 5 Lesson 2 on Powers of Congress. Next we will complete the Guided Reading and the Reading essentials before we take our quiz. I anticipate that our quiz will be at the beginning of next week. On each quiz day, we will spend the remainder of class working on the civics project and the following class period.


Mr. Harris: Students will be taking a benchmark assessment from the city on Tuesday.  We will also be moving into Chapter 4, where we Investigate Bivariate Data.  Students have started to look at things like Scatter Plots to start off this unit.


Ms. MacKinnon: We have finished our unit on Conservation of mass and are moving onto heat and matter.  The main question the students will be answering is Does something that is hot have more thermal energy than something that is cold? They will do this by developing a model that describes and predicts changes in particle motion, relative spatial arrangement, temperature, and state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed.


Ms. Senior: Grade 8 students in the Math classroom are getting fancy with double equations, turning them into a single equation, while persuasive writing is the skill of the current unit in ELA.


Ms. Blanchette: Students continue to engage in grade level curriculum. Please check in with your student to make sure they are caught up on work as grades close on Thursday, March 10th. Extra help is offered every week on Tuesday and Thursdays. Please reach out with any questions. Have a great week!





Physical Education: (Mr. Demarais): Our trimester is coming to an end.  Our classes are being given choices of games or sports they would like to play.  If the weather breaks we will be getting back outside for our 1/2 mile walks.


Art (Ms. Boulger): The students in 7,8 blue and orange groups are working a variety of mixed media art assignments such as murals, paintings, sculptures and drawings! Students in grades 5 and 6 completed making pinch pots and small clay sculptures. They are continuing to learn the stages of clay by making individually designed and planned clay animal sculptures.


The art department is looking for donations of the following:

new/used sports equipment (specifically footballs, and basketballs)

new/used frames

new/used/ unused plastic or glass jars to store mixed paint.

new/used T-shirts to use as smocks.


Artwork by Rayne



Health (Ms. Reynolds): grades 5 and 6 will be finishing out their Health Curriculum with the Puberty Unit.  We will be talking about Hygiene and basic changes in the male and female bodies during puberty.

grades 7 and 8 are learning about the Human Reproductive Systems and how they function.

Grade 8 is also discussing the consequences of teen sex and unprotected sexual activity.


Music (Mr. Gariepy): Hello JGW Friends and Families!! Our last week in music class will be spent learning how to play guitar. I will show the students how to play a couple different chords on the guitar, how guitars are made, how to repair them, and more. Have a great weekend!!


Library (Ms. Michitson): Hello Families. In library our reading contest will end next week.  My students did very well with their   impressive results.

We had conversations on NATO.  This contuned most of class time. Some news reports were shown, a lot of kids had many questions.

**** Please be advised I show the 7th and 8th graders the news reels  on in the world.  The younger student have other assignments to complete.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you


Technology (Mr. Gordon): All grades used the website and worked on finishing prior assignments.


Freerice is an educational trivia game that helps you get smarter while making a difference for people around the world. Every question you answer correctly raises 10 grains of rice for the World Food Programme (WFP) to support its work saving and changing lives around the world.  Private sponsors match the rice grain donations generated within Freerice, triggering a financial payment to WFP. This money goes into the pot of “greatest needs” to support the organization’s ongoing emergencies. 100% of all funds generated via Freerice go to the World Food Programme. Freerice does not earn or keep any money it raises.  Since 2010, Freerice has raised more than 214 billion grains of rice for people in need. In cash equivalent, that is US $1.5 million! Join our global community and start making a difference today.




Guidance (Ms. Vlahos): I continue to be available to connect with and support all students and families throughout the school week. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at I look forward to our continued work in support of a healthy, safe, and successful school year!


Student Support Coordinator (Mr. Newell): I am available to help support students and their families in any way possible. Please email me with any questions, thank you.


Student Adjustment Counselor (Ms. Midolo): Next week topic will be on “Conflict Resolution”.

Whether it’s with friends, siblings, classmates or adults, sometimes when you disagree with someone, you can feel angry, or frustrated and the disagreement can turn ugly and hurtful very quickly.

Next week’s lesson will cover true-to-life, age- appropriate scenarios, demonstrating five ways to disagree and be respectful: Stay calm, don’t make it personal, be considerate of other’s feelings and ideas and communicate by using I-statements and good listening skills.

Have a great weekend!


Student Adjustment Counselor (Ms. White): As we come back from break, we are focusing on organizing ourselves and reviewing our goals for the remainder of the school year! I am available to support all students and families.  Please do not hesitate to contact me at


Middle School Support Program (Mrs. Leydon & Mr. Diffin): Reminder that grades close next week! Time to focus on our grades and getting work completed. Homework help is offered mornings in the art room from 8:05-8:25 for anyone who needs more time. We will continue our social groups as always, and reach out with any questions or concerns.


Parent Liaison (Ms. Arias-Reyes): Mi horario es de 8:30am a 3:30 pm y mi número es 781-666-4085 y mi correo electrónico es, me pueden llamar, mandar un mensaje de texto o enviarme un correo electrónico. También tienen la opción de llamar a la escuela directamente para contactarme o usar la aplicación Remind, esta aplicación manda los mensajes directamente a mi computadora. Si tienen una pregunta o preocupación y necesitan un intérprete no duden en contactarme. Estaré más que feliz de poder ayudarlos a comunicarse con los maestros de sus hijos y el personal de la escuela. ¡Que tengan un buen fin de semana!


ELL (Ms. Khakali & Corporan): Our Level 3-5 English learners will begin the first unit in 3D English – which is a powerful language development program designed to accelerate proficiency in academic language. Next week the students will begin reading and analyzing “Can Video Games Take Your Brain to the Next Level?” Next week students will compare and contrast two articles. Our newcomers will begin unit 4: Numbers Count and will begin building our cardinal and ordinal numbers vocabulary. They will also be making negative statements with do/does.


Student Support Center (Mrs. Greenwood): We can’t believe it is already March!. Time is going fast. It has been great in SSC. Please reach out with any questions and or concerns to Mrs. Greenwood or Miss House. Have a great weekend.


Math Coach (Mr. Stelzer): All students will take their second district math benchmark assessment next week. Grade 6, 7 and 8 will take the assessment on Tuesday, March 8 and Grade 5 will take the assessment on Wednesday, March 9. This benchmark provides teachers with data about which standards their students have mastered as well as areas for intervention, reteaching and enrichment.