JG Whittier Families,
I am very excited for the JGW community to welcome our new Principal, Matt Condon! I have attached to this email a letter from Mr. Condon and his entry/transition plan into JG Whittier for your review. You will notice that there will be opportunities to set up a personal meet with Mr. Condon via a link that is shared in the attached plan. Please make sure to check that out!
English Copy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13QZjCfMa4jeSGHgw_q2eAHoh4PE0sxv4fu6MKCeqF_o/edit?usp=sharing
Spanish Copy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G8QHcOgBIrSRRxhQgqlgZ3AL5XQ1LU8ITIGM6_11IjE/edit?usp=sharing
Portuguese Copy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AUmZkB9vypMEB2p5GEJSpBfNpVaFP0dal7D3yHUfx6g/edit?usp=sharing
I look forward to Mr. Condon making his first visit to JGW on Tuesday, May 24th to spend the day, and his continued transition into the JGW community. I hope you will all help me welcome him into our community!
Tim Betty