Principal’s Weekly Update (5/30-6/3)





COVID UPDATE: As most of you are aware, Covid numbers are once again on the rise. With only a few weeks left in our school year, we ask that everyone stay vigilant to the best practices used throughout this pandemic. We are highly encouraging staff & students to wear masks, wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, avoid touching your face, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and maintain appropriate physical distance. If you are feeling unwell, please consider testing, regardless of vaccine status. If you are experiencing symptoms and are in the building please see our nurse. Masking continues to be one of the most effective mitigation measures to prevent COVID.We are seeing cases in both vaccinated and unvaccinated staff and students, and in those who have had COVID in the past. Thank you for your attention to this.




Spring 22 Principal letter

EWallett Explanation



8th GRADE NEWS: As we approach the end of the school year, there will be some fun activities for the entire 8th grade to participate in. A permission packet should have gone home with all 8th grade students. The schedule is as follow:


Monday 6/6: Academy Lanes

Tuesday 6/7: Chunky’s in Pelham

Wednesday 6/8: Cedardale in Groveland

Thursday 6/9: Walking trip to Winnekenni Castle & Field Day

Friday 6/10: Canobie Lake Park


Please remind your 8th grade student about our “Good Standing Policy” and expectations. This was shared with all 8th grade families via email on 4/25/22.


8th grade promotion will be held on Tuesday evening, June 14th at 6pm. (Dance to follow)

In order to make the dance a memorable one for our 8th graders, we are looking for some 8th grade parents to volunteer to help decorate for the dance. Please reach out to Mrs. MacKinnon if you are interested ( Thank you!


May News: For the month of May, our school theme has been ‘unsung hero.’ Someone who is an unsung hero is someone who often does the right thing, but does not always get the recognition they deserve. For May, teachers will select students for JGW’s Star Poet Society based on this theme. This means that teachers will select students they feel do the right thing, consistently put forth their best efforts, and always strive to be the best versions of themselves. Unsung heroes often lead by example and make a positive impact on their peers.


June News: To wrap up the school year, the new school theme will be community! Our school community is strong, supportive and connected. Winners for JGW’s Star Poet Society for the month of June will be selected based on this theme.




The Helping Hillie:

BCBA_ Spring Newsletter

BCBA Spring Newsletter – Spanish



HAVERHILL PUBLIC SCHOOLS HANDBOOK (K-8): Please click on the link below to be connected to our up to date handbook for grades K-8:



 JGW Chromebook Policy

We understand that “things happen” and from time-to-time students will forget to charge their Chromebook or leave it at home.  Unfortunately, this is becoming a habit for some students and is happening far too often overall.  Students were made aware at the beginning of the school year that the expectation is for ALL students to bring their fully-charged Chromebook to school each day.

The supply of extra Chromebooks is limited.  Because of this, we are implementing a borrowing policy here at JGW for Chromebooks and chargers.  Students who forget their Chromebooks, bring them to school uncharged, or do not return a borrowed Chromebook the same day will be given consequences as follows:

First Offense: Student will be issued a warning

Second Offense: Parents/Guardians will be called

Third Offense or More:  Student will be given after-school detention

**These consequences will reset for all students each trimester.

If a student loses or damages a Chromebook or charger and  the student needs to be issued another device, the family will be charged a fee for the replacement.  Typically, the Chromebook replacement fee will be $199.00 and the charger replacement fee will be $39.00.

It is very important for students to come to school with charged and functioning Chromebooks.  The devices are used in most, if not all classes; including music and art.  We are asking families to be partners with the JGW in this, and remind your children to charge their Chromebooks and bring them to school every day.


Attendance: A reminder to all families that if your student will be absent for the day, please make sure to call the main office (978-374-5782) to notify the school. Thank you.


Dress Code: We receive many questions about our school’s dress code. We would ask that all families please review the Haverhill Public Schools Dress Code Policy with their students in order to ensure that it is properly being followed. Thank you for your attention to this. Please find a copy of the HPS Dress Code Policy below: Dress Code Policy (HPS)




The PTO meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the JGW Teacher’s Room. The dates are as follows:

2001-2022 PTO Meeting Dates · June 9th



Track & Field: Grades 7 & 8 have their track meet Tuesday, May 31st after school at HHS. Come cheer on your class mates as they compete to take events!!





NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY: we will be selling any extra slush next week at all lunches for $2 a slush.  The honor society banquet will be held on Wednesday June 1st at 5:30 in the Cafe.  Please dress nice.  No jeans or tee shirts please. We will be having it catered after the ceremony so bring your appetites.  This is a fun occasion, and I am looking forward to the best one yet!


JR VIP: Thursday, June 2, we will be sponsoring a WEAR ORANGE – a day to honor the victims of gun violence. All students, please come to school wearing lots of orange and visit our table of support during all lunches.


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CLUB: We are still meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays depending on availability and which groups students have been assigned. All players will need is a pencil, and preferably a notebook. If they have their own dice sets, now would be the time to use them! There are extras that will be made available to those who need them, and parents do not need to purchase anything for their child to be in DnD club! Please pay attention to the Google Classroom for updates on meeting times and cancellations.


DRAMA CLUB: 1. There will be a Moana Jr. Bake Sale next week at all lunches every day starting on Tuesday!! Support the JGW Drama Club by bringing in a few bucks for some tasty treats!!
2. This Friday from 4pm-8pm join Mr. Gariepy and The JGW Drama Club at The Friendly Toast in North Andover for dinner!! This will be a night you won’t forget, so please join us!!
3. Sail with Moana next weekend at Consentino as The JGW Drama Club & Mr. Gariepy present Moana Jr. as the spring musical this year!! Doors open @ 6:30pm and the show starts @ 7pm on Friday, June 3rd and Saturday June 4th. Sunday June 5th has two matinee performances. Tickets are on sale now at and cost $8 Students/Seniors, $10 for everyone else, and $10 to livestream from home. See Mr. Gariepy for more information, or visit




Hello JGW Families!

As we prepare for the upcoming school year, our nursing office is going through records to ensure we updated orders, up to date medications and physicals/immunizations. If you are able to get this paperwork ahead of time, it would be greatly appreciated for the 2022-2023 school year.

Please be aware that we are seeing a significant increase in COVID cases in our district. The nurse’s office has plenty of mask supply and testing resources for students.

Have a wonderful weekend!


MEDICATIONS/INHALERS: A reminder to all parents that students cannot self carry medication of any kind without physician orders and an active administration plan in place developed with the school nurse. Please reach out to our nurse’s office with any questions.








Ms. Simes: This past week in math, students began Topic 17 – Step Up to Grade 6, which has students working on skills that they have learned this year and further learn in Grade 6.  Wow, Grade 6!  This coming week, we will continue working within this topic and students will work on their math project at home that will be showcased during our Gallery Walk on Friday, June 3rd.  We are looking forward to celebrating the work that students have completed in all their subjects this school year.  In science, students began to understand the phenomena of “why do objects in the sky appear to move and change so much?”  They constructed a “Star Wheel” and observed the sky at night to see what they saw.  This week, they will work on a “Constellation Project” that has them researching, writing, and modeling.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at  Have a wonderful weekend.


Ms. Marciano: ELA: The kids are loving our end of year novel, FRINDLE! Ask them about Nick and Mrs. Granger at home and see what they have to say about the book. We have a busy week coming up after the holiday weekend. Students will be continuing with the novel, taking their Spring iReady Reading Benchmark on Wednesday morning, and participating in the Gallery Walk on Friday!

SS: Unit 7 is coming to a close, with our final lesson about the conflicts and compromises that shaped the north and south. We will also be discussing the Underground Railroad as we move into the Civil War and Reconstruction.


Ms. Hogan: In social studies, we have been learning about the history of slavery in the United States. We learned about the abolitionist movement and the Underground Railroad. Next week, we will be working on a small project. Instead of having a test for this chapter, we will be choosing one topic from the chapter and creating a poster or slideshow to showcase what we have learned. Students will be creating projects about topics such as the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark expedition, the Gold Rush, the Trail of Tears, the abolitionist movement, and the Underground Railroad.


Ms. LaCoste: This week students worked on writing introduction paragraphs including hooks, or sentences that will grab the reader and encourage them to continue reading.  They also practiced identifying the parts of speech and worked on digital reading lessons.  Most students have read for a benchmark assessment and those who haven’t will next week.  I hope to see parents next week at the grade 5 gallery walk, where your students’ term 3 project work will be displayed.


Ms. Consolazio: In science, we finished Observing the Stars scope.  Students took a quiz on the scope Wednesday.   On Thursday, students presented their constellations to their classes.  They wrote a story and made a picture of their constellation.  Next week in class, we will do a STEM activity.  Students will take I-Ready ELA/Math Wednesday and Thursday.  Please make sure students bring their Chromebook charged every day for class.


Mr. Kelly: Students will be working on individual and/or group projects this week. These projects are focused more on the creative aspects of math. On Friday, we will be inviting parents to come in to see these projects along with work from all 4 of their classes. There was a paper that was sent home with your child with more information about the event.


Ms. Lees: Next week fifth graders will showcase project based lessons in all subjects. Students who have LEXIA accounts are encouraged to work at home with their reading online as well as to read everyday out loud with someone at home or to themselves. It will help all students to log into iReady for reading or math to strengthen their skills. Please reach out if after school or before school help will support your student. – Happy Spring


Ms. Blanchette: Students are finishing up with grade level curriculum. We are looking forward to some fun events for students in the coming weeks to end the school year. Please ensure your child is completing all the assignments. Reach out if you have any questions. Have a great week.






Ms. Hamel: Mrs. Hamel’s ELA: As we continue to work together through Esperanza Rising, we have also incorporated some movies and guides with similar themes.

We are working on a theme of: Create your own judgement; not by appearances or the thoughts of others. We have worked through the story WONDER by R.J. Polacio. Students have contributed to some very healthy and important discussions. Our next movie guide will be “INSIDE OUT” and we will discuss emotions and their importance to healthy lives.

Mrs. Hamel’s SS: Students have been working on the Aztec, Inca and Mayan early civilizations- learning how their discoveries have impacted our lives even today. Students have been working together to see how early civilizations were able to advance without the technology we use today.


Ms. Silveira: Next week in math, we are finishing our statistics project and then we will present them!

In science this week we finished our 3D cell projects, which came out amazing! Next week, we’re going to be taking the information we know about cells and finding out how they are used to solve crimes!

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me.


Mr. Taylor: ELA – Finishing reading Ghost. We are also continuing our grammar work. Next week is also our final diagnostic for Iready.

SS-Continuing on to Ancient Civilizations Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas research and project


Mr. LeGrand: Mathematics:  In grade 5, students used line plots to represent and interpret numerical data.  In this week’s lesson, students will learn to differentiate between statistical questions and other types of questions; work with both numerical and categorical data and statistical questions to collect data.  They will also determine the mean, median, mode, and range of a data set.

Social Student:  Students are working on completing their South America project.


Ms. Lane: Science: This week the students analyzed and interpreted evidence from the fossil record to describe organisms and their environment, extinctions and changes to life forms throughout the history of Earth.

Social Studies: The students finished and presented their projects in South America. The students identified and described characteristic features of genres and styles from a variety of South American cultures and cite well-known artists associated with these styles.


Ms. Tarbox: Mrs. Tarbox: In ELA, both Yellow and Orange groups are finishing their fourth novel study of the year! We have been reading “Esperanza Rising.” Also, students with reading goals have participated in their final round of Fountas & Pinnell testing to see just how much growth has been made this year! Be on the lookout for emails with updates on reading progress. In Math, both Yellow and Orange groups are finishing up volume of rectangular prisms. We will be finishing up this unit and then we will dive into working with data in various ways. This includes displaying, describing, and summarizing data. As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns,






Mrs. Berthiaume: In ELA, we continue to read our class novel, Hidden Figures. Students are having some great discussion in class!  In Social Studies, we took a little detour from the politics of ancient Rome and learned about the lost city of Pompeii.  Students did a fabulous job on their Google drawings of plebeians and patricians!


Mrs. Trombly: Math classes are finishing our geometry unit with surface area of cylinders and volume of prisms.  We will be finishing the year with probability and statistics.

Social Studies class will be continuing with our ancient Rome unit.  Please check school brains to see what your child is missing as we come to the end of our year.  Have a wonderful long weekend as we celebrate Memorial Day and remember all those who lost their lives serving.


Mrs. MacKinnon: In science class we will be talking and learning about heat transfer.  Students will watch as teh teachers demonstrate how to make ice cream from scratch using the method of heat transfer called conduction.  We will then be able to try the ice cream and then enjoy ice cream that the teachers will buy for all the 7th graders.  This should be a fun event  for the week.


Ms. DiGloria: In Blue and Green English this week, students will continue work on their second Writing Response on The Giver. Students will also take their iReady diagnostic benchmark for ELA this week. In Social Studies, students will be learning about daily life in Ancient Rome and what the city was like for the average Roman. Please be diligent in checking your student’s grades. There should be no surprises come report cards, as my grades are updated daily. If you have any questions, please let me know.


Mr. Auger: Hello Everyone! I hope you all enjoy the long weekend and have a great Memorial Day!  This week in my 7th science class, students finished up our unit on energy transfer and temperature.  We had a quiz on the topic and we completed a lab activity where students explored how different liquids transfer thermal energy at different rates.  Next week, we will begin our next unit, thermal energy transfer.  This unit will go into more detail about specific types of thermal energy transfer, such as conduction, convection, and radiation.  In my 7th grade social studies class, students continued learning about Ancient Rome.  We discussed the Punic Wars as well as the structure of government in Ancient Rome and how it compares to our modern day American government.  Have a great weekend!


Mr. Harris: Students are finishing up our unit on Probability.  On Wednesday and Thursday of this week they will be taking their third and final iReady Diagnostic test.


Ms. Bilmazes: In ELA, the blue group continues with their reading of The Giver and having small and large group discussions following each chapter. The yellow and orange groups are continuing to read Hidden Figures and discussing the background of NASA. In Math, blue group students are continuing to work on probability, while the yellow and orange groups are continuing to work on surface area.  We have been meeting, during the success block, with those students who have pull-out support in Math and ELA. This time is spent working on a variety of  interventions, such as iReady, additional practice, help with homework and classwork support. In addition, Mrs. Holmes and I are supporting students within the classroom.  As always, feel free to reach out with any questions.








Ms. Deblasis: We will continue learning Topic 8: Solving Problems Involving Volume.  We will specifically study how to find the volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres.


Mr. Marinella: ELA– We still are reading “Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl”. This is an extremely emotionally charged text, written with first hand accounts of a young child living through one of the darkest moments in world history. We are going to be examining the emotion of the story, as well as making connections to our own lives and challenges. We are reading sections from the novel as well as the play to see the similarities and differences in types of stories while keeping the same overall plot.

Civics– We have also moved in our final article of the Constitution we are examining: Article III the Supreme Court. We will be analyzing the history, creation, and structure of the court, as well as its members and qualifications. We will also be spending a lot of time studying the most important cases they have heard and how this third branch has helped shape the nation!


Ms. Sullivan: This week all students will be completing the GMO project. This project includes slides on a specific genetically modified organism of their choice, and a research paper on GMOs. This will complete our lesson on artificial selection.


Mr. Blaustein: We are currently finishing our study of the President’s roles and duties. The final quiz of the year will be the Tuesday we return from Memorial Day weekend. We will finish the year by analyzing the limits of U.S. presidential power, U.S. v. Nixon.


Mr. Harris: Students finished their unit on Angle Relationships this past week with a map based project.  On Wednesday and Thursday of this week they will be taking their third and final iReady Diagnostic test.


Ms. MacKinnon: students have finished their projects on GMOs and we will be moving into mutations.  There will be a small research project that the kids will be doing on mutations and the kinds that can happen in humans.  This will be the last full week of class.  The following week will begin field trips for the kiddos.  They are so deserving of these after two very long years of nothing.   I look forward to celebrating these kids finishing up here at JGW.


Ms. Senior: Pump up the volume: grade 8 mathematicians are studying the measurement formula for all shapes to determine volume, as the ELA classroom is buzzing with excitement about the “War Of The Worlds” novel.


Ms. Blanchette: Students are finishing up with grade level curriculum. We are looking forward to some fun events for students in the coming weeks to end the school year. Please ensure your child is completing all the assignments. Reach out if you have any questions. Have a great week.





Physical Education: (Mr. Demarais): We are currently involved in our ultimate games unit.


Art (Ms. Boulger): The students in the purple and yellow groups are working on a variety of art projects such as drawings, sculptures, earthenware and murals.


The art department is still looking for donations of the following:

new/used sports equipment (specifically footballs, and basketballs)

new/used frames

new/used/ unused plastic or glass jars of any size to store mixed paint and glazes.

new/used T-shirts to use as smocks.


Artwork by Deivian



Health (Ms. Reynolds): All grade levels will be in the last Health Unit of the term:  Puberty/Reproductive System Units

Passive Permission slips have gone home, been emailed to parents/guardians and can be found on last week’s weekly update.

Please continue to email me with any questions or concerns. I’m happy to answer any and all questions.


Music (Mr. Gariepy): In Middle School Music Class, students have been having open studio time to practice guitar, piano, or Soundation to further develop their musicality. For the last few weeks we will also spend some time playing guitar outside!! Happy Memorial Day!!!


Library (Ms. Michitson): Hello Whittier Families;  We are at the end of the year which brings our reading contest to an end as well.  I am very impressed with all the reading projects classes completed, We covered talks on local and national current events.

Whittier PTO is planning a Big Book Fair Tues May 31 – Friday June 3rd. Spanish novels Available. 


Technology (Mr. Gordon): All grades are wrapping up any unfinished work that was assigned during Term 3.






Guidance (Ms. Vlahos): Haverhill High School will be coming to visit our 7th and 8th grade to provide us with informational assemblies to give students more information about the exciting opportunities and offerings at HHS: June 2 for the 8th grade and June 3 for the 7th grade.

I continue to be available to connect with and support all students and families throughout the school week. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at I look forward to our continued work in support of a healthy, safe, and successful finish to the school year!


Student Support Coordinator (Mr. Newell): I am available to help support students and their families in any way possible. Please email me with any questions, thank you.


Student Adjustment Counselor (Ms. Midolo): Grade 5 Lunch Bunch:  Shout out to one of our 8th grade mentors for leading this week’s group.   Laila Stroud


Social groups help us feel supported and help build self-esteem as we might expect, but they also help us feel capable.  A social group is any grouping of two or more students who recognize their relationship with each other as a distinct social unit. Social groups play an important role in daily life and help our children make meaning of the world around them.

Middle School Support Program (Mrs. Leydon & Mr. Diffin): Social groups with Ms. Credit are going great! 5th graders are in review mode, practicing skills that they have learned throughout the year. Our 6th graders are finishing up getting prepared for the jump to the other wing…and will be in good shape. 7th graders are working hard, and I am looking forward to seeing them as 8th graders. As a group they have worked extremely hard the last three years! And finally to our 8th graders, they are working hard right until the end! I have enjoyed their company all year…learned a lot…laughed a lot…and cried a lot! Such a great year!


Parent Liaison (Ms. Arias-Reyes): RecordatorioNo hay clases el 30 de mayo. La aplicación para la escuela de verano todavía está abierta, tienen hasta el 15 de junio para llenar el formulario. Le envié un correo electrónico a todos los padres de los estudiantes que fueron recomendados para la escuela de verano con el enlace para acceder al formulario.  Si necesitan ayuda no duden en contactarme a la escuela o responder al mensaje de texto que les envié hace una semana.  Que tengan un buen fin de semana.


ELL (Ms. Khakali & Corporan): Level 1 & 2 ELs will continue with unit 6: Who’s at Home where they are learning vocabulary to use to describe their families and their homes. In grammar, our newcomers will begin working on present progressive tense to describe events in motion.  Level 3,4 & 5 ELs will be analyzing folktales and preparing to write their own.


Student Support Center (Mrs. Greenwood): It is the last few weeks of school. We are here to support our kids. We hope everyone has a nice, relaxing long Memorial Day weekend.  If you have any questions and or concerns please reach out to Mrs. Greenwood or Ms. House.


Reading Intervention Team (Ms. Guthrie, Ms. Carney, Ms. Trovato): The 5th grade ELA teachers are working on their F and P assessments. Intervention groups are running smoothly.

In grades 6-8 students are working on their Studysync Novel Studies.

Don’t forget the book fait is coming next week and runs until the end of the week. We are hoping for a great turnout!

Happy Memorial Day and thank you to all who served.