Hello JGW Community
This is the final email before we start SY22-23! I want to thank the whole community for welcoming me to the JGW family. I received lovely email notes and had many pleasant conversations at the school and on my home visits. Can’t wait to see everyone Monday night for the open house and Tuesday for the first day of school.
Open House: Is scheduled for Monday August 29th at 6pm-7:30pm. We will use the same structure as last year. Tables for each teacher will be outside of the building and families can find their child’s teachers and get information to start to build a relationship with staff. 7/8th grade teachers will be on the Pentucket Lake side of the building, specialists will be in the courtyard, and 5/6th grade teachers will be on the opposite side of the building. We will also have the opportunity for 5th grade families to tour the building.
First Day of School: Tuesday August 30th
Friday September 2nd: Is a half day.
Student Handbook: https://www.haverhill-ps.org/parents-students/hps-student-handbook/
Water Bottles: Since COVID the school has replaced the old water fountains with water filling stations. For our scholars to access water they need a water bottle. PLEASE ADD THIS TO YOUR LIST OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES.
Morning/After School Drop Off and Pick Up:
5/6th Graders: Drop off and pick up will be in the main parking lot (if you are looking at the building on the right side of the building. Cars will drive in the parking lot to the right and create a circle around the parked cars and let their scholar at the corner of the building by the cafeteria. Just as Mr. Betty stood there last year. I will continue that tradition and will be on that side during morning drop off.
7/8th Graders: Drop off and pick up will be at the corner of Crest Ave and Concord St. We will have staff in that area to help for the first few weeks of school.
PBIS at JGW: What is PBIS?
FROM PBIS.org: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It also improves teacher health and wellbeing. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environments where everyone thrives.
We are rolling out our Positive Behavior Intervention System here at JGW from the first day of school.
The STAR Poet Society (building off of the work last year) will help bring consistency in the building with staff and students around the norms and how we treat people in the building.
We have established our Core Values:
PBIS FRESH STARt: On Thursday September 1st our scholars will spend the morning engaging in learning about our new core values. After lunch we are having a PBIS FRESH STARt party. All of our grade levels will be outside with staff having the opportunity to play athletic games, lawn games, paint, and participate in contests.
Two big activities we will have are:
- Opportunity to dunk to Mr. Condon and some teachers in the dunk tank. We will have a fee for this activity of $1.
- We will also have a tape Mr. Condon to the wall activity: For a $1 the student will get a few pieces of tape to help stick me to the wall,
*All proceeds of the dunk tank and tape an ADMIN to the wall will go to our new school store.
Hiring: We are still looking to fill a lunch monitor position and Educational Support Staff. If you or you know someone that would be interested in applying please reach out to me directly.
School Supplies: Over the summer families have asked for a school supply list. Each team of teachers ask for slightly different items and in previous years gave their supply list out on the first day of school. For any families wanting to get a jump on buying supplies I pulled together a generic list each team will likely ask for. Next year we will change the process to release the school supply list in June.
- Earbuds for Chromebook
- Pencils (always needed)
- Erasers
- Pencil case or box for materials
- Combination lock for lockers (no keys)
- 3-4 notebooks
- 1-2 three ring binders with loose leaf lined paper
*Teachers will supply their list the first day of school that will build off the items above.
PTO Dates and Times: please join our monthly PTO meetings at JGW. This group of family members helps support our teachers and scholars here at Whittier.
Location: JGW
Time: 6pm-7pm
Dates: second Wednesday of the month
- 9/14
- 10/12
- 11/9
- 12/14
- 1/18
- 2/8
- 03/08
- 4/12
- 5/10
- 6/7
School Site Council: A school council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of the principal, families, and teachers. This group helps make building based decisions on the School Improvement Plan (SIP), programs, building upgrades, and supports the budget process. If you would like to be a part of the School Site Council please email me directly at matthew.condon@haverhill-ps.org.
Location: JGW
Time: 5pm-6pm
Dates: second Wednesday of the month
- 9/14
- 10/12
- 11/9
- 12/14
- 1/18
- 2/8
- 03/08
- 4/12
- 5/10
- 6/7
September Family Event: JGW will have a sunset walk around Pentucket Lake Trail. This will be a hike and learning walk around the surrounding area. This is an event with Walnut School and the Pentucket Lake School. Date and time of event: 9/29 at 5:00PM-7:00 PM. Come enjoy a night of hiking and learning with friends from your school community.
Chromebook Insurance:
Haverhill Public Schools has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the devices that will be given to your student as part of this year’s 1:1 device program. For only $20 per student, this insurance program will protect you and your student(s) in the event that your device is lost, stolen, or damaged accidentally over the course of the school year. Please follow this link for more information and to sign up. Haverhill Student Device Insurance
Enjoy the last weekend of summer!!!
Matt Condon