JGW Family Memo 12/9

Hello JGW Community

We are halfway through December and only two weeks away from our Holiday break. We have many events planned for the final two weeks. Please make sure you read the memo and see all the great activities we have with our scholars. 

The Academic Bowl is back!

The Academic Bowl is a game in which our school will compete with another school head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more.

Tryouts will be on Tuesday, December 13th for the written exam and Thursday, December 15th for the buzzer test.  Tryouts will be after school until 4 p.m. We had sign ups this past week. If your child is interested please reach out to Ms. MacKinnon lmackinnon@haverhill-ps.org

Cell Phones: As a reminder scholars are not allowed to use cell phones during the school day this includes before school when they come on the campus and as they are leaving the campus in the afternoon.

When scholars use their cell phone during the day:

1st offense-Teacher reports and takes the phone to the office; scholars can pick up at the end of the day.

2nd offense- Teacher reports and takes the phone to the office; family members must pick up the phone.

3rd offense- Teacher reports and takes the phone to the office; family members must pick up the phone. An after school detention is assigned. 

JGW PTO Holiday Fair: December 10th 10am-1pm see attached flier. 

Come on down to JGW on Saturday December 10th from 10am- 1pm. We will have local vendors selling their goods. We will also have our National Junior Honor Society wrapping gifts, and some raffle prizes. Come on down to support our PTO!!!


The JGW Bowl-a-Thon is Sunday, December 11th @ 12noon at Academy Lanes in Bradford. 

The JGW Chorus also has a concert on Friday, December 16th at 5pm in the Cafe. 

Tickets to all events are available at JGWDrama.com. 

Ticket are also now being sold in the cafeteria during lunch.


Spirit Week: December 19-23rd


Town Hall: Star Poet Society

On Wednesday the 21st during WIN block we will have our monthly town hall. This monthly tradition is when we review our core values, review important dates, and give awards to our scholars. 


Pep Rally:

We will have a pep rally on the half day December 23rd before break. We will have the following events:

Cheese Puff Throw

Gift Wrap a Teacher

The boys and girls basketball teams will play the teachers.


December Half Days

Wednesday December 14th

Friday December 23rd

December Basketball Games

Tuesday the 20th at Nettle- Boys play first

Thursday the 22nd at Hunking- Girls play first


Matt Condon

