JGW Family Memo 3/3/23

Hello JGW Community,

Morning Drop Off: A couple of families have brought to my attention in the morning that not all the cars that are dropping scholars off on the 5/6th grade side are following the routine.

As a reminder, when you pull into the parking lot families drive in a circle around the park cars and drop the kids off on the corner by the cafeteria. 


I will have our security Jake helping remind parents how to pull around the circle and 

I will be outside where to drop scholars off in the morning.


We have monitored Thursday and Friday morning and some families are still pulling to the front door. It is dangerous to cut across and that is a bus lane in the morning. Please follow the circle when dropping off your scholar. 


As always we want to have a safe and orderly drop off for our scholars every morning.

Spelling Bee: A special congratulations to eighth grader Raquildis Mercado on her success in the second spelling bee that qualifies her for the regional spelling bee later this month at Lynn City Hall! She came in first place in our school bee in January and then had to participate in a remote bee this past Wednesday to qualify for the regional bee. She competed among 100-plus spellers from Massachusetts in spelling and vocabulary.  Congratulations to Raquildis!  We are so proud of you!!

Multicultural Club:  Scholars have been encouraged to sign up for JGW’s multicultural club! The multicultural club is for any scholar who wants to help recognize, explore and celebrate diversity as a way to promote understanding and build community. This club provides an opportunity for students to discuss diversity and how cultural influences shape our students. Students may continue to sign up during breakfast/lunch. Meetings will begin next week on Tuesday mornings at 8:05am.

Video Game Club: Mrs. Hamel will have after school VIDEO GAME CLUB on Mondays from 2:45- 3:45. You will need a ride at 3:45. This is open ONLY to grades 5 and 6. 

Arts and Craft Club: Calling all Crafters!!!  Ms. Greer will be starting an Arts & Crafts Club for all grades on Tuesdays.  We will meet every Tuesday in Room #1 from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm. Snacks will be provided.  It will be a great time to gather and create.  No Experience needed.  We will be learning together!!!  See Ms. Greer for more information.

NJHS Fundraiser: Popcorn fundraisers for NJHS  went out. The fundraiser will run from March 1 through March 20.  Popcorn will be delivered by April 5.  This fundraiser benefits the national honor society, but also if the school makes its goal, we will be giving slush away at lunch to the whole school.  The top three winners will receive amazon gift cards.  Let’s try and beat last year’s totals. 

5/6th Grade Dance:  

WHEN: Friday, March 10th

TIME: After Dismissal 3:00 pm  until 4:30 pm (pickup must be promptly at 4:30).


Tickets for dance are $3.00 per person (scholarships are available; please reach out to Mrs. Hamel. Any family wishing to purchase a ticket for a student in need- we thank you. Just send in an additional $3.00 and let the homeroom teacher know).

Tickets are purchased through your homeroom teacher.

CONCESSION WILL BE SOLD~ All concessions will be $1.00 each.

Students who have purchased a ticket, will receive a bracelet on the day of the dance for entry.

Any student who has had detentions/suspensions will not be allowed to attend. We want ALL students to attend this fun event, so please be on your best behavior!!!

Feel free to dress up for our First Annual WINTER DANCE!

In-School Basketball Tournament: Friday March 24th -Make sure you have you scholar sign up for our first annual March Madness Basketball Tournament. The first 12 teams to sign up will play- there are only 8 spots left! The tournament will be held in the JGW gym on Friday, March 24th after school. Sign ups cost $5.00 per team and teams are made up of any 5 students. Please see Mrs. Hamel to sign your team up.

JGW/Walnut Sq/Pen Lake School Nature Walk: Mark your calendar!  Join us for an evening hike around the Lake Pentucket trail while enjoying the beautiful sunset.  This is a great opportunity for Walnut Square Families and Pentucket Families to meet.  After the hike, families will receive information and tips to experience nature as a family.  This event will be held rain or shine, so proper dress and footwear are highly recommended!  The trail is 1.1 miles long, and carriages and bikes are not recommended as it is a hiking trail.  Please leave pets at home.  Questions?  Please e-mail Jen Rubera jrubera@haverhill-ps.org.  Please RSVP by Monday, March 28, 2023.  

Sign up online here:  https://forms.gle/WxqmEeWG8VWwhBTs8.

Air Pods: Air Pods/headphones are not allowed at JGW. Since the holiday break more and more kids are wearing air pods during the school day. Wearing headphones is a distraction to learning. We will handle Air Pods/Headphones the same way we handle phones. If a staff sees the air pods we take and bring to the office:

  1. first time scholar gets them back, 
  2. second time- parent pick up, 
  3. third time parents pick up and detention.

MCAS Dates

5th and 6th grade ELA- Monday 4/3 and Tuesday 4/4

7th and 8th grade ELA- Wednesday 4/5 and Thursday 4/6

5th and 6th grade Math- Monday 5/1 and Tuesday 5/2

7th and 8th grade Math- Wednesday 5/3 and Thursday 5/4

5th and 8th grade Science Monday 5/8 and Tuesday 5/9



(first time IN PERSON!!!)

  • WHEN: Thursday, May 4th
  • TIME: 6~ 8 pm
  • WHERE: JGW Cafeteria
  • COST: $10.00 per team  (please reach out to Mrs. Hamel if you need a family scholarship for the event or if you wish to sponsor a team).



*Teams can be NO MORE than 6 people

*Reach out to Mrs. Hamel for the registration form to enter your team.

*We will be selling pizza dinners (Slice of pizza, water, bag of chips) for $5.00 

*Concessions will be sold for $1.00 each (drinks, chips, candy, baked goods)

*Teams will play 4 rounds; each round will have a winner!

*Raffle tickets will be sold with a table of Fantastic Items- winners will be called when the trivia game is over.

*Please consider purchasing a Raffle item from our AMAZON WISH LIST to be raffled off or you could send in a raffle item/basket of your own creation. 

*All donors will be displayed on our JGW TRIVIA NIGHT SLIDESHOW throughout the evening. This is a GREAT WAY to advertise your small business- Send us a gift card or item from your business and we will advertise your business throughout the evening. Feel free to put out business cards with your Raffle Item.

This is going to be a great night with our JGW Families and Friends~ We hope you will come even if you don’t play in the trivia game but just want to join in on a fun night to see your friends and make new ones!


Matt Condon

